Smacky the Frog

"Yes, it is I, Deathbat. I bought 75 copies of each album THATS HOW MUCH LOVE I HAVE and have covered the walls of my basement..er, dungeon with them. Won't you come over and sit and listen to our beloved A7X while sipping red wine and smoking a hookah with me? Seriously my parents won't be home til 9:30 at the

He actually sounds kind of down to earth and like he's got a sense of humor about himself, I have to admit. I've heard on him on some local radio shows.

Pat him gently on the back, that should do it.

I have been prescribed it in pill form from a regular MD in the past. But what's the difference between that and the calcium-channel blockers they put me on previously? It makes more sense to have a calcium-magnesium balance than to cut all calcium reception to the cell. I'm not playing at being a doctor here, but I

Thank you, I agree! I just want to keep myself from cutting and running just cause my S/O was in a bad mood that day. I'm too inclined to give up, after the mess that was my marriage.  Sometimes you make exceptions but you have to know when it's live-able and when it's not.

@avclub-f0c28c550d55c407a393cd97dc40e763:disqus My problem with the Johnson era is not so much his voice, but more than half the songs sound like the same boring fucking song to me. I just think it got unimaginative, riff-yell-riff, blah blah. I like the songs they produced with Scott better.

I'm off that weekend. Let's post on next week's TI and see if we can create a buzz!

Ohhh, I get so hot when they shut off the utilities in my apartment…….

I've been having fun pronouncing it "va-jeeeeeeen" with a weird semi-French accent. I hate that word anyway so at least I've found a way to make it a bit more tolerable to myself.

This is a gross conversation, and I'm actually eating lunch at the moment. But I have to say the taste really isn't all that gross, I can't get past the texture. I can swallow if I take a swig of beer or something with it, but it's like trying to swallow a really thick booger. It don't wanna go down.

That warmed my heart, @Dikachu:disqus I would hope if I ever knew you in real life, that I could be the second.

Many people think it's 'splooge', @avclub-c1fd95299ad8d022093c50740184a3be:disqus but those people are incorrect.

Food thread was FIRST! I was there, I watched it being born and cradled it's delicate head in my hands and whispered "grow TI, grow to be big and strong!"

Shoutout to Liz N' Hugs! You may have said where you were this week, in fact I'm almost sure you did but my memory blows. Anyway, your absence is felt!

Hoppin' Frog is so good but so expensive I rarely buy it. They opened a tasting room and they're not too far from me so it's on the radar for a place to spend a Saturday afternoon sooner than later.

Oh that is a horrible thought. I did see the cabin share, although I still can't afford it. They did say that they'd match you with same gender, but that doesn't exactly guarantee no frustrated humping! I'm glad nothing awful happened to you.

It's way more fun to look through someone's CD collection than to scroll through their Ipod.

@avclub-285910f5ff9f9eddf129c46fc2bc5982:disqus See I thought the whole story was that Jonathan Davis was called "faggot" all the time for being a weird dude in high school, and that the song was actually anti-homophobia. I never really felt like they had any songs that promoted hatred towards gay people. It seemed

@avclub-285910f5ff9f9eddf129c46fc2bc5982:disqus And, you're telling me because you want to send it to me? *bats eyelashes*

I was wondering where you were, Yuri. Good luck with finding a job, and with the upcoming move.