Smacky the Frog

Liked for Limozeen! I was just watching some sbemails a few days ago!

I've had heart palpitations and hypertension for 10 years. Many different cardiologists did a ton of tests and couldn't come up with anything and each drug they tried me on was consistently not helping and/or making me worse. Awhile ago my chiropractor recommended a magnesium supplement that I bought at Whole Foods

Damn, now I gotta find The Sword's beer! These band/beer collabs are great cause they're combining my two favorite things!

Alright Pig, if one of us gets an unexpected windfall we share a cabin. Deal? This doubles our almost non-existent chances! And you will have all the free time to do whatever you like on-board as I stalk Devin Townsend around the ship.


Wasn't crazy about the song, and though his body is smokin I find something about the expression on his face in the video incredibly creepy and I can't enjoy him. I will listen to it sans video one of these days.

Oh God, I kinda want to do that single stick figure thing. I like it, but that would be incredibly stupid, especially in my crap neighborhood, to advertise that I live alone!

@avclub-b452079bf3040f1ac89bd819d06f2a88:disqus It is a long process. It still sucks when you see something you want, but you just know it's going to look all wrong on you. I'm guilty of impulse-buying and trying to convince myself I can make it work. But it is a pretty great skill to know how to find what will really

I won't drink it unless I'm sipping a good quality brand on ice. Maybe a single lime. It can be really really tasty if you're not knocking back shitty shots.

Don't get everyone around here started on cleanses. But if you're going to do one, you've got to put in as much nutrients as you're flushing out. Meaning supplements and whole foods preferably during the cleanse, but at least do it after.

African restaurant!! Damn, I have to find one of those. Pass the popcorn.

His demeanor has rubbed me the wrong way from the beginning. It doesn't matter what he's talking about or who he is addressing I always hear a note of condescension in his voice. It just irks me.

Inspired by last week's thread I attempted to find an some free automobile-learning info online. Have't found anything real useful, just very basic information using terms I don't understand. I'd be better off finding someone to teach me in person.

Nice job on the stout! Cheers!

Man, I'm glad you posted this because the ads were pissing me off and it seemed like a lame attempt to cash in on the craft beer "fad" with some silly fluff TV show. You make it sound pretty cool. If I can figure out where the hell to find the Esquire channel then I will check it out.

I name specific bands or musicians, honestly, because "I listen to everything" sounds like a generic cop-out or what someone who doesn't really care much about music would say. Naming genres for me is just futile. So I turn it into a short list of my favorite artists.

Tell me how you like it. I tend to buy high-end makeup, but I've been told certain staples are just as good in drugstore brand version. See, I've given you an assignment. Now you must try it.

Joke's on you Pud, I love pickled eggs!!! Hahahahahaha…*barfs red substance on Pud's shoes*

Yes, my lower back is almost back to normal but the neck is giving me problems now from stress. Glad to hear you're feeling good! It's such an amazing thing to have a day without pain.

Seriously awful. Good luck sorting that out.