Smacky the Frog

Well damn, you guys do make this all sound like a lot of fun. A friend of mine has been trying to get me to come over and play it. But I think I have too much of an aversion to violence so I'll let you guys have at it and I'll laugh at your anecdotes.

You're dedicated! :)

Was there a write-in option for nominees last year? I don't remember.

@avclub-5e5e0bd5ad7c2ca72b0c5ff8b6debbba:disqus See also Sugarloaf's "Don't Call Us, We'll Call You"

You can tell we're many miles apart. :)

Yes, Sixpoint is killer. I had the Resin on draft last night and I was thinking the IBU's on that thing have to be like 120. If it even goes up that high!!!

Yeah! I & G!!!!!

I vow to do my best to be worthy of a nomination in this category!

The "Attention Whore" award.

@avclub-a452630477eb936fd36fc9a9542d4598:disqus One of those categories seems to resemble me…….

Don't cry Al. I am 38, childless and absolutely love Halloween. In fact, I think it would be worse with kids cause I'd have to walk them around the stupid neighborhood and then check their stupid candy for drugs and razor blades. Don't you listen the that mean old E.Buzz Killer! Oops, I meant Miller.

Bookmarked! Thank you.

Yeah last year I was Generic Bloody Nurse and I really want to put some more effort into it and be Silent Hill Nurse but I don't know if I have the effort in me this year. Some people online have made some freaky masks. I think I would just wrap my face in bloody/burned gauze.

Gotta be above it…gotta be above it….gotta be above it….

Saw a local (nationally-touring though) Floyd tribute do the whole Animals album and a friend and I scream-sung the whole entire song. One of my favorite songs of all time to sing along with.

Reminds me of when people call my work and the person they ask for isn't there. "Would you like his voicemail?" Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh……. "Can someone else help you?" Errrr……… Can you make a fucking decision so I can get on with my fucking day?

I got to #9 and threw up in my mouth. Fuck whoever wrote that right in the eye socket. It's obnoxious.

Ooh Seance? What style is that?

My brewery's Red Eye PA. And Columbus Creeper. Tried Victory Squeaky Wheel last night was just ok. And Great Lakes Nosferatu.

Totally agreed. I don't see many movies or consume a lot of pop culture so I had to skip a lot of voting last year but more commenter awards would make it more fun for me to participate in.