Smacky the Frog

Happy anniversary to you & Mr.Jo! It's glad to hear good stories of people being happy.

I'm close enough to 40 that this totally fucking works. I'm taking it, thanks.

38 and everyone thinks I'm in my 20's. I get this at least once a week. I'm glad I don't look older but it gets annoying hearing it all the time. I know, such problems huh.

Ooh, ESP!!! Here we do the Mansfield Reformatory Tour. They also do a "haunted house" with minimal effects because the place alone is scary enough. I did it last year and hope to do it again this year even though every time I think I'm going to die of fright. It's awesome!

I love peachy rings. And the green apple ones.

Their food really is good, they have a surprisingly tasty fresh salad too. In other chain news I ate at Ruby Tuesday last night and I kind of still want to die.

I'm hoping for some fennel soon. I love this part of the CSA season. Things get a little more interesting. This week's bag:

I always had to stand on the tire iron. But then my fear was I wouldn't have the strength to tighten the lug nuts back up enough and my wheels would fly off while I was driving.

Only for the stick, right? Just throw the powder out and eat the stick.

My favorite Tool song. Epic ending. "Spiral out, keep going!" Chills every time!

I heard that Dr. John song in my car on vacation and it was an awesome driving tune.

Yes, they are.

It's seriously just amazing to have someone to nerd out over this stuff with. No one in my circle is into him at all. That's why I love the shows cause I can meet people from all over that are as passionate about the music as I am. It's so thrilling that you guys love it!! I'm going to go listen to "Life" You'll have

Fuck yeah! *high five* I have "motivation clothes" hanging in my closet as well, but unfortunately I'm still not in them.

Yes, but that has nothing to do with our change in staffing.


I thought I had absolutely no stamina until I climbed those mountains in Tennessee last week. I really didn't think I was going to make it through the Push. Then I was pretty euphoric on the way back down the mountain. I was surprised I had it in me.

Magnesium supplements are good for alcohol withdrawal. I feel your pain. *awkward internet hugs*

I shoot guns, Dan and it IS fun. I just don't shoot them at people.

Yeah, HipsterDBag.