Smacky the Frog

Why the hell anyone would be bothered by that is beyond me. I get hit on rather frequently and have no problem extending an absolutely genuine "I'm flattered but not interested" whether it's a business man having lunch in my restaurant or the thugs who hang outside in the parking lot at the deli in my neighborhood.

Living fetish-free is the way to go? I'm not sure what you mean. Like, just stop having your fetish? How does one go about that?

Does everyone have corns on their feet or something? Why all this talk about corns? Ok if I type that word one more time I'm going to puke. Feet are gross.

@avclub-011d0b4fe6835bb3d37ef4e0ea713de6:disqus My God, I hate the "can I sit here?" question in a public fucking place. You just KNOW they're going to be talking to you in about 5 seconds. I'd rather you just sit down and find something interesting to start up a conversation about. That "can I sit here" is just

I've written cute notes with my phone number in them when I'm too smitten with someone to speak up. So it happens. As far as telling your SO that someone flirted with you, I only do it if it's a interesting or hilarious story, not just "hey someone flirted with me or asked me out today" cause you never know how

Speaking of buttstuff, sort of, I was trying to get a coupon for a free burger at Ruby Tuesday and my computer wouldn't let me access the site because the URL is (no shit) www.funbetweenthebuns.com

Hat is correct. Highly annoying verbiage.

"Appendages" is about as sexy as "penis" or "vagina" to me. What terms do I like in the bedroom? None of your business! But it is none of those three.

That song is awesome. I like Bruce Hornsby.

Damn, I know more songs of his than I thought!

I loved "Going Gets Tough.." cause WWF used it in the '80s for Saturday Night Main Event. Same with A-Ha's "Take On Me". It was the thrill of little 6th grade me's weekend.

Agreed, but Matt Pike can come back and guest when Oderus is busy.


Sorry honey. *hugs* And keep your chin up.

Watch the 2007-2009 NBC series Life, for a double dose of hot redheads.

I've always liked you Cold, but back away from my man Josh or we may come to fisticuffs, you and I.

Donal Logue. OMG ginger beard. *swoon*

I really don't find JGL that attractive but he is adorable in that clip.

You did give me the newer stuff, yes. I'm still waiting to hear what you thought of the last 5 albums I dropped in the box for you! :)

Fairweather Friends is going to do that cool thing to you where it's your least favorite song on the album that eventually becomes your favorite. Mark my words.