Smacky the Frog

Aw, the end is the cutest part! It's worth watching for.

Oh thanks, Cold. It's nice to end my workday with some new Josh Homme material. But I hadn't been jealous of 12 year old girls since 7th grade and I can't say that now.

Your comment was pretty cool when it started, but then you went on and it started wearing out it's welcome. I'm just teasing man, I can see how this could be boring if you don't like droney, hazy, psychedelic stoner rock.

Thanks for asking! It was a scenic tour of Beards of the Southeast. No, seriously it was a whole lot of hiking in the Smoky Mountains and it was delightful. I got my ass kicked by a 6 mile hike up a mountain. I thought I was going to die, but I survived. Nights were spent drinking moonshine and beer. I <3 The Smokies.

Ooh, so close with "Beyond the Fields…" but it's "Greensky Greenlake". I love Feathers but I still think the first album is the best.

I wholeheartedly second that emotion.

Just shut up and back away very slowly, Pud. Very slooooowly.

In case anyone likes this but hasn't previously heard any of their music, I submit my favorite Dead Meadow song : http://www.youtube.com/watc…

Hell yes. I just wish they were playing the states. (crying emoticon I don't know how to make cause I'm old)

I heard them on Howard Stern this week, and James said he writes a lot about war as a subject without trying to make it pro or anti, just a song about a thing that happens. He also said he heard the "Johnny Get Your Gun" story and he identified with it because he felt like he had a huge disconnect between himself and

Now you just look like a huge crevasse.

Hey, sometimes your craw just has a mind of it's own! Craw! Craw!

Oh hello, LATE THREAD. I was in Tennessee hiking relentless mountains that were kicking my ass. But I was victorious!


What the hell, I've been looking for this on Netflix.

He's the only reason I wanted to see this show, maybe it will be streaming somewhere soon so I can at least check it out. God, he just hasn't had much luck lately, even though he's working his ass off. At least he's got his trucking company and he loves the hell out of driving OTR.


Yeah, but did you 'like' it or 'like like' it? There's a big difference, you know.