Magic Flyin Lemur

Dakota Fanning got cute. I wonder if she can still act as amazingly as she did as a young kid?

I'm pretty sure Rourke's character is Titanium Man. Look it up, I'm not your damned wiki.

Eternal Sunshine of The Spotless Mind? Really?
THAT'S your number one best film of the decade, over all your other entries? Man, there's no accounting for taste.

Yeah, and even if you don't back up your files, it is possible for a trained professional to recover some, if not all, of them anyway. The argument always seems silly to me. What if you lose your DVDs in a fire? What if the CD collection you keep in your car gets obliterated by a car wreck? NOTHING is 100% failsafe.

For fuck's sake
I love the LEGO Franchise games (excluding LEGO Indiana Jones) But really? LEGO Rock Band? That's enough, thank you.

Meh. I must say, I've never really gotten the Uncanny Valley effect from movies like this. I think his is possibly a result of growing up on video games with full-motion cutscenes, and thus having been accustomed to seeing CGI meat-puppets enough to appreciate stuff like this as visual art rather than an attempt to

Clarification: I'm not saying at all that people should just discount reviews; just that if reviewers were more prone to express that they just like or dislike the type of game they're reviewing, there would be less stupid bitching about aggregate scores and such because people would more likely say "Oh, I guess we

DC191: Fallout 3 may be in the first person and have guns, but it's not an FPS. it's an FPRPG. The difference being the gameplay is affected more by your character's skills than your actual skill at shooters. I'm getting sick of morobs that assume any game in the first person is going to be just like Halo. just push

When I first saw the Boondock Saints, I was pretty impressed. Having seen it again recently, I think I can attribute that feeling of being impressed to being 14 when I saw it. I am AMAZED that this movie ever got made, since pretty much everyone who ever worked with Troy Duffy swore they'd never do it again. But

Sweet Christ
I cannot wait until 2013 so these fucktards will shut the fuck up about 2012 already. Christ, people are stupid.

"Many of the newer levels, it should be noted, have merciless time limits and are genuinely challenging—something Katamari has never been before."

I Hope They Sodomize Narcissistic Douche Bags With Splintering Baseball Bats In Hell

THAT'S -MY- America….. you COMMIE!

C'mon, redward, that's not the American Spirit. You should've known better than to develop a terrible affliction like that. Clearly, reckless people like yourselves who so very clearly wilfully develop debilitating conditions don't deserve to be treated.

I don't think you're a troll, William. Just ignorant. And the simple fact of the matter is that human lives shouldn't be left up to profit margins. This is the basic issue with pure, unrestrained capitalism: Greed. If everyone were honest and willing to help those who, by circumstances out of their control, NEEDED

Frankly, he's the most intimidating-looking Jewish guy I've ever seen. Say what you will, but a lifetime of serious psychological issues will help you perfect the "crazy eyes".

Who's -had-. Me can't wrote nice.

Wow. Nathan. Speaking as a person who's have severe mental health issues in the past (though luckily never institutionalized), I have to say this touched me. I'll be buying your book as soon as I can afford it.

And writing limericks.

I wonder Britain in the time-frame of Idiocracy has a poet laureate. And if so, I wonder if he/she sits there reading "butt of sack" and giggling incessantly.