Magic Flyin Lemur

"…Prohibition-era Chicago—which will be updated to a more modern setting here—…"'
Too bad. I was almost interested there for a second.

Jesus Fuck…
"too light when it drops in some groan-inducing references to the original film"

random spelling correction: scheisse. Intensely snotty spelling correction: scheie.

Yeah, don't… Don't encourage Adam Sandler, huh?

"Some will gripe that Darkspore requires an always-on Internet connection to play. If you consider having to log in and connect to a server—even if you want to play single-player—as a form of DRM, then you might agree."

"with none of the camping bullshit that takes place in today's online play."


So, she stores all of her cocaine in her vagina?

There. I tried the demo, and it was exactly what I expected: Trying -way- too hard, annoyingly over-the-top voice acting, and, while visually interesting, cluttered and messy to look at.

Yes, I have no right to comment about it, nevermind the fact that a preview is suppose to, you know, advertise and entice people to play. I watched said preview and was unimpressed. How exactly is my opinion any less valid? For the record, I'm going to download the demo and give it a shot, I just have low expectations.

Sorry, thought my comment got eaten.

That poster
looks like a joke poster.

That poster looks fake
I hate Micheal Bay and everything he stands for. Hope he gets in a serious car wreck and is paralyzed.

Eh. Comedy is subjective, sadly. This game really didn't look funny to me; I watched a preview a bit back and it definitely seemed to be trying WAY too hard.

White Wolf is going to sue like crazy. I'm not saying they invented the "Cain is a vampire" deal, I'm just saying they did a -lot- to popularize it. Hell, I think they had a reasonable case against Underworld; that was pretty translucent knock-off Vampire: the Masquerade and Werewolf: the Apocalypse.

This isn't an Idiocracy rip-off, but I'm getting the feeling that it borrows heavily from that particular theme. It looks alright, I suppose.

I'm a guy who likes his plots, but frankly, I could give a damn about Puzzle Quest's. It was bland and generic to an incredible degree, and I'm kind of glad they gave up the pretense of it.

Uh Yeah Dawg…. You can be literal all you want, but you're getting something for free that took time, effort, and money to create. Being literal about the act that you're not physically taking a DVD from a store doesn't make it not stealing, you fucking nitwit.

I just think claiming "Ohh, they're fans" is bullshit. if you like something, help support it or fuck off.

"Suing people for being fans is just quite stupid."