Magic Flyin Lemur

Yeah, honestly, he isn't nearly as frustrating in Sicko. And he makes some pretty good points. I don't necessarily hate him despite agreeing with him, he just makes me kind of sad because any good point he makes is simply ignored because -he- made it. I do agree that he takes things way too far, I just don't get as

I hear ya, brother. One cost-saving measure I've found to stretch the APF further is just to pay plain ol' American white prostitutes to pull their eyelids back and shriek things at me in a "Mickey-Rooney-as-Mr.-Yunioshi" accent while I fuck them. You have to make sacrifices in these troubled times.

Goddamn, I love Hitler Brand Volksmilch. I think the motto, "White and pure, as milk for THE MASTER RACE OF THE GLORIOUS THIRD REICH SHOULD BE!", could be tightened up a bit, though.

I'm 23 and mostly bald already. I still -have- hair, but you can definitely tell where the horseshoe will be in a couple years. Also, I'm overweight. And I found a grey hair in my sideburn yesterday. But you know what? It doesn't bother me a whit. fuck society's standards; particularly our horrible cult of youth.

You know, I resent the stereotype that we goyim aren't neurotic, depressed, bitter, and self-hating.

I loved this movie
I saw it on HBO when I was like twelve and I loved it to death.

I absolutely loathe the style of anime and manga, so thanks for reminding me that I'm at least not the only person who DOESN'T find that shit appealing.

The Pringles cracker Stix. Try the pizza ones. They're ass-licous (tm)!

Hell, most of the books written BY Douglas Adams didn't work that well. This is going to suck.

The guy sitting there eating popcorn makes me laugh really fucking hard. It's like watching some Grand Galactic Council member's home surveillance video.

"hey, Mos Def ruled in Hitchiker's Guide the Galaxy"

-obligatory child rape joke-

god… What must it be like to be a knee-jerk contrarian? i imagine you hipster twats get decked a lot… I mean, I guess you win, you annoyed me by sneering at a critically acclaimed, interesting, unusual film, and the whole point is to be as obnoxious as possible, right?

I'm definitely picking this up. Although I'm still creeped out that I was wooeed to sleep by an elfin gay man for like, three months before realizing it WAS a man.

This was
surprisingly better than I feared it would be. I was assuming it'd be an immense shitpile since I liked Ang Lee's take, but this was.. well it was watchable, at least. Except when Hulk actually said "Hulk… SMASH!". Shit like that was fucking stupid.

This man was a fucking talent. This killed my afternoon. I think I'll rewatch The Thing to remember his amazing effects stylings.

Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels
Was really good. Also, it was the only good idea Guy Ritchie ever had. Snatch was just sort of a shitty, watered-down rewrite, and… Yeah I didn't watch anything else.

Wow. You'll have to tell me how to unlock the funny stuff. I was mildly amused at best for 25 minutes.

I'm actually a big Penny Arcade fan
But yeah, I played through about 25 minutes worth of this game before deciding it wasn't worth it. The combat is sort of clunky at best, and, yeah, the game's features are quite shallow. I still love PA, but they'll have to work extra hard if they want my money for episode 2.

This reminds me
of that one article The Onion had about how everyone was surprised at the fact that Catwoman wasn't as unbelievably terrible as they thought.