Magic Flyin Lemur

The problem with the podcast
is that I tend to yell at some of the callers, and I don't think kindly old grandma so-and-so enjoying a lovely day in the park wants to hear me screaming "For CHRIST'S SAKE, Lady, either BUY SOME LUBE OR TELL HIM HE CAN'T PUT IT IN YOUR ASS!"

I like Tom Petty's current "Hobo inherits a fortune but still keeps beard for old times' sake" look.

Oh Z0DIAC, I love you AND your imitators.

I think you did.

We're one step closer to Idiocracy's world of tomorrow.

oh snap, I got burned. No, wait, I didn't, because I never said anything about Micheal Moore, I was just making a statement on the general impression I got from the man, and that is that he was kind of a dick in his old age. I'm not sure why exactly you assumed I was basing my opinion on Micheal Moore; I think MM kind

I'm not really sad to see him go, he was kind of a dick.

Fucker pushed me right out of the hotel room afterward too; I didnt even get to brush my teeth.


Oh dear
"Noo-Yok"? "Clee-lan"? "Sikaga"?

Clerks is the only Kevin Smith film I actually still like. I think it's been pretty much all downhill since. I still like the guy and find HIM incredibly funny, I just think his films are mediocre at best.

yeah, seriously. Even for snarky hipster douche bags, you guys are being serious fucking douche bags.

Wait, sorry, I meant Satanism Q Muskrat, YOU nailed it.

Phineas: I think you nailed it.

"…I saw every episode of Firefly, and I loved everything about it except the dialogue, which I found over-the-top and far too self-consciously sassy."

Oh, hey, wasn't he in that one film about hacking, or leather or something? Whatever the hell that was.

Hey, fuck you
I liked Captain Planet. Hell, it's probably the reason I'm such an irritating liberal today!

I couldn't even read a blog by that jackass. He's a talentless hack, and my only hope is that if there IS an afterlife, his father finds a way to communicate with him from beyond the grave about how shitty his changes are.

Yeah, seriously, guys. Just because a first post contains the goddamned word first, or a similar word, doesn't mean they were "going for a firsties". Not everyone is stupid enough to care about getting a first post. also, only a jackass would "firstie" an obit.

God dammit, stop trying to make us feel bad about making fun of Gallagher.