Magic Flyin Lemur

All I can say is
Brian Herbert has ruined Dune. If you like anything he's contributed to his father's universe, you're a tasteless fuckwit. Someone needs to kill Brian Herbert and then convince David Lynch to take a second stab at this film. Most of the awfulness of the film was due to producer interference. Also,

Actually, yeah, he is funnier when he's half-assing it, because it's kind of like he's making fun of the shitty movie with you.

The only part
The only part of this movie that managed to ACTUALLY make me laugh was when the black guy (who bitched about reverse racism where everyone was super-nice to him for being black) claimed responsibility for killing people and the lynch mob that had formed was like "eh.. I guess we could let it go THIS

What if it's a clinical photo? I'm sure we can get a DOCTOR to come all over a woman's neck. Would that be ok?

Yeah, science Channel, Discovery Channel, History Channel… That will pretty much harden your heart to any CGI.

I suck at math, so a lot of the "figure the mathematical pattern" type puzzles I ended up either looking up or trial-and-error-ing my way to an answer. Also, some of the puzzles where you have to outline a hidden shape need to be a tad more lenient about the outline, I got pissed when I lost piquats over a

I liked this one. I liked Haughty Melodic a lot too.


damn straight.

"Fuck tha Democratic Process"
Ok I think I got it now.

jables: ok, I hope to god you're telling the truth. Because I refuse to be seen holding Larry's book, ever, even if I didnt' actually purchase said book. But seriously I hope you aren't lying because that bit of info boosts my will to live.

Positive. It's not here, I tell ya!

my comment didnt post.

YOu know
You want to know what confuses me? The fact that Lewis Black likes this guy. Tell me that doesn't fucking confuse you? That's like hearing the George W. Bush's favorite song is "Fuck Tha Police".

"Someone Who Thinks He's Chuck Manson and The Animatronic Abe Lincolns"…

If I can afford it I'm getting everyone I know age progression pictures for Christmas this year, and i'm going to pay extra to make sure they look as haggard and rundown as possible in them.

I like how
you're not a whore if you exchange sex for valuables with rich old white guys.

Little Shop of horrors
The original ending is so damned good, it's a shame people are fucking stupid and couldn't take the proper ending of a goddamned cautionary tale.

Hats off to you; that's fucking brilliant.

I may have to check this out. Also, I love how you repeatedly first-block, Nathan. It warms my shriveled heart.