
It's usually right where you keep the cordless extension cords.

@Jorge: Nice Shockheaded Peter action!

Counsel, can we move this comment thread along please?

It's a 'vise-like grip'
unless you're engaging in some impossibly clever wordplay, in which case, You've done a man's job, sir.

The end of the interview
Seems like it got a little tense there - but then I just read the interview Lou Reed did about his show on satellite radio (where he nearly bludgeoned the interviewer to death or something), so maybe that's coloring my view. Did Meadows hang up the phone after the last question?


that's 'chunk-a' I do believe.

June 9?
Is it upside down day at the AVClub? Or are we peering through a window in time and glimpsing the future?

I've got 3 girlies and a beer that's cold!

I think it's like referees or dungarees or manatees.

Could we hook him up to a turbine? That might solve our global warming problem.

He can't, he's dead.

Hey, Steve Hyden, stop telling Steve Hyden what to do! Why don't you write your own column if you're so smart?! Oh right, you don't write anything I would want to read!

Johnny Kissmuller?
What was his real name? As if anyone ever had the last name Kissmuller. Or Weissmuller (which is white miller or something)

These places are always bad
the food, the service…better to stay at home and drink alone.

I think the first Nathan Rabin is the fake one from the evil alternate universe.

I liked him better when he was a woman named Margaret.


Hey, what about
Stevie Wonder's…oh wait…sorry.

I don't understand his beef at all
The devil looks like the devil and if you're strong enough, you whup his a$$.