
If you think "Chum Bucket Supreme" is a dud episode-then I pity you. One of the funniest episodes ever. Granted, I love Patrick.

What about the Ronnie James Dio vanity project "Hear n' Aid"?
Update: Had to scroll WAYYYYY down in the comments.

Me and a chick I was dating at the time watched "Walk the Line" and as a coda, that video right after. I recommend it.

Anyone know where I can get one of those LDS dresses so my girlfriend can dress up like one of the Mormon wives for dirty role-play?
Also, anyone know where I can get a girlfriend who will do that? (She must also have huge floppers, big butt, long hair, and be in late 30s-early 40's)
K, thanks.

Oh, false metal-how we discussed you in the playground at my senior public school-that's Grade 8 to you Americans. What exactly was false metal anyway?? Please help me A.V. Club!

The original trilogy and the sequel hold up pretty well-and there were some other books in the DL universe that I also liked-Kaz the Minotaur and Legend of Huma were good ones too. However, a certain dark-skinned elf came along not too long after that and kinda took over as the face of D&D novels…
How about an article

Thank you.

Oh-I'm REALLY looking forward to The Magician's Road in August by Lev Grossman and just finished the third book in the Gentleman Bastards sequence-Republic of Thieves by Scott Lynch. However, it was very dull compared to the first two-and the revelation at the end? Ehhh.
And this is going to be a really dumb

Gordon Korman updated a bunch of his kid's books a while back-the Bruno and Boots ones specifically. I always enjoyed them-maybe I'll give them a spin again.
Attack Jelly!

I'm reading the second Southern Reach book Authority by Jeff Vandermeer, and starting Wonderkid by Wesley Stace

Why did I click on this? Oh wait-I'm drunk.

and sexually ambiguous too.

FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCKKKK My favorite character in Runaways! I notice Joss W. decided to keep the trend of junk-kicking going in his arc…

Every time I see a BKV reference on the AV Club I have to mention how often he's kicked me in the junk as a writer. I love SAGA to bits but like everything else he's written, it's probably not going to end well. He's the devil. But goddamn he's a great writer and Fiona Staples is as lovely and talented a person as you

+ 1 for Battle of the Planets reference and another one for mentioning Zzzax.

Scrolled all the way down-found no reference to Dead Kennedys-so now I can post…
thank you.

If by "thicker" you mean "glorious cans" then yes, you are correct. And I agree with you.

Maybe in her Career Opportunities days…not so much now.

If only it was…if only-but Wolverine: X-Men: Origins shit the bed on the Hudsons…

I'll bet you a Canadian loonie it's Nimrod.