
I stopped Dexter before the last 3 episodes. I'm good.

Tidal Not Wins is an anagram of Tilda Swinton

As a non-user of either service, I can't believe I'm taking time to post my indifference.

Bought The Evil Within finally. Tougher than a rawhide birthday cake. (ripped off from Next Generation magazine-Rest in Triumph)

I would have said Lego Dimensions or Ready Player One, but Cline shit the bed with Armada. The Darkness, maybe or Dragonforce. Stuff that hits a sweet spot with all my interests. Dieselboy's Dungeonmaster's Guide?

I fucking loved Unbreakable. I'm the only one of my nerdly friends who does.
BTW I have no friends.

Cheap Trick rocks, no argument. Even lesser known tracks like "Southern Girls" and "He's a Whore" are classics. They are one of those groups that get name checked by so many current artists…but never really hit the big time like their contemporaries (KISS, Aerosmith, etc.)

I've been drinking…can I give a shout out to VNV Nation?? They are awesome and wave the synth-pop flag (and some others) like the 80's never stopped.
Seriously good.

I was enraged at first that there was no mention of Alphaville-but then I realized that this was a primer about UK synth-pop.

Disintegration broke The Cure in North America. Same with DM's MftM. Totally agree.

I fucking adore PSB-saw them in concert and a meet-and-greet
2 years ago-they've been spotty but "Electric" rocks. "The last to die"? an electro zombie apocalypse awesomeness song!!

FUCK-i quoted "I love your precious heart" on not ONE but TWO love letters. FUCK FUCK FUCK those women-one's a saint that when I dream about I wake up sad, and the other…I want the tumors in her head to explode like fireworks.

You know what? CJ fucking rocks-he's the last of the "old school" wrestlers that had to travel the world to get a proper wrestling education. And he's a great writer. And he's right about "Cotton Eye Joe".
But if he had dissed another electronic track back in the day that used banjo samples…

Epicloud is an awesome album.

Geez I keep forgetting. I also have a personalized signature on a Forever Young CD-single from the guys from the German Synth-Pop band Alphaville. You had to be part of their fan club. Also Steven Bissete! Hernandez Brothers! Mark Waid and Alex Ross (Kingdom Come Deluxe Edition) OK I think I'm done!

Shoot one more…Clive Barker! I have a couple of his books signed. He was in Toronto promoting Nightbreed and The Great and Secret Show at a mall. We waited in line 2 hours! But the coolest part was after it was all said and done we were waiting out side for my uncle to pick us up and he came out of the mall and

Autographs? I've a few. George Perez is awesome-super nice and all around great guy. He signed my Crisis #7 with The comment "I killed Supergirl!" Peter David, signed X-factor 71 (I had sold my Hulk collection years ago, that was a bummer.) Stan the Man signed my Silver Surfer #1 (but he charged 60 bucks). Fiona

I was drunk-I apologize. Sorry Brody.

Fuck you, 'Boys of Summer' fucking rules. Go back to New Japan Bruiser-didn't you die there or something?

Holy fuckballs don't talk bad about "Dragonslayer" I saw it at a Drive-In when I was 9 and it blew me away. But nostalgia is as powerful as gravity-unseen and yet a force that affects us all our lives.