
He did a lengthy run on Alpha Flight that while was not definitive, blew my 14-year old head off-he wasn't shy about killing characters, that's for sure.

You guys gonna review SAGA or what? I have all the Eclipse issues of Miracleman so I don't care about this new Marvel reprint stuff…It should show up on Marvel Unlimited in 6 months or so…unless Alan Moore casts a spell that destroys my iPad…

Great. Another pop culture moment that I loved as a kid-especially the line that ends with "EVIL HISS"-and I still enjoy now when it comes on the radio that turns out to be racist and all that. Thanks AV Club.

Not talking about The Thing or Requiem for a Dream makes this article only sorta awesome.

OHHHHH YEAH!!! PS:T had some of the best voice acting ever. Homer, Skinner, the chick who sang "Sugar Walls". That game needs to be re-released like the Baldur's Gate ones.

I loved Black Swan Green-more than Cloud Atlas, even. Is thousand autumns of Jacob de Zoet daunting? I want to give it a go.

Your apprehensions concerning Dr. Sleep are well-founded. Not even worth a time-waster.

I'm rereading Ender's Game and just finishing up Not Taco Bell Material by Adam Carolla. Next up is Republic of Thieves by Scott Lynch but I might reread the first two in the series again just as a refresher. And I just finished Codex-Lev Grossman's first book. So boring and unmemorable-but this guy is currently

A show about Wolfman Jack would be awesome

Make a superhero movie or something with giant robots-oh wait-lunch with Parker Posey? May I be the one to define "lunch"?

Could I win a lottery and pay Morrison a wage to write Alpha Flight? The mind boggles…

Epic was the shit. Alien Legion? They OWN the GLC! I had the promo poster for "The Last Galactus Story"  Lost it though-Time for alcohol and eBay!
And Marshal Law could kick Morpheus' bony Goth ass on his worst day ever.
Ehh, I loved 'em both.

Matt Fraction? 

Battle of the Planets, yo!

In my mind, Miller hit his peak artistically and as a writer with Elektra Lives. I liked Sin City, but EL still fills me with awe.

'83 was everybody getting their shit together for '86

Alpha Flight…I think I've read every single issue…ever. I keep hoping each relaunch will succeed, but it think it's Marvel's version of Doom Patrol. (in terms of relaunches, only.) I'll never forget the afternoons spent reading Bill Mantlo's death-ridden pages while listening to RUSH's Power Windows and INXS' The

Would someone PLEASE tell me what Billy Idol's "Sex Attack" is?

Hey AV Club! Why not review Jian Ghomeshi's memoir 1982? It's like this one…but awesome.
Is it because he's Canadian?

Ex Machina would be great-Also James Robinson's Starman.