
Both the actress and the character of Viper were horrible. 

Gonna throw this out there to all the RUSH fans reading this:
Power Windows is my favorite RUSH album, ever.
I'm dead serious-it's getting played at my funeral. It came out at a time in my life (14 yrs old) where every song said something to me-about money, freedom of expression, abuse of power, the long view of life,

"Virtuality" I'm sorry to say, trumps it.

Every song on that album is great…except for Red Lenses-it's a groaner.

Back in the day-that day being 1987-or so-my friends and I had a serious discussion about Dr. Manhattan's decision to create life-we imagined that he went on to create "our" world-as an inversion of his-no real life superheoes.

Ugh-I hated that book-I mean-I should have known what to expect-I read a lot of Ellis' Avatar Press comics in the early 2000's and Moore's book does tie in to Lovecraft, but the amount of sex and violence and flat out misery turned me off. Does every cult have to have orgies with monsters? It just seemed a bit

Ummm, did we go to high school together? I was the fat kid who liked RUSH and wore a pink cummerbund and requested "Nothing Compares 2 U" for my date and heard Soft Cell's "Wave Hello, Say Goodbye" with the extended clarinet solo for the first time-that song still gives me chills.

You going to Vancouver?

Don't interpret this as creepy-or flag me-but someone who likes BOTH the PSB and Dragonforce might be the Venn Diagram of my perfect partner.
Please don't tell me you like RUSH, D&D or comic books, otherwise I might implode. I like metal and synthpop equally.
I'm also a huge Erasure fan, if that helps-and am probably

Let's talk about how the speech bubbles change when Rorschach faces down Dr. Manhattan at the fortress.

You know-a lot of people malign Snyder's Watchman film-but his interpretation  of Dr. Manhattan's origin-set to Phillip Glass' "Pruit Igoe" was pretty cool. I might have to go back and read my absolute edition set to the soundtrack. I'm drunk right now, but take this with some salt, it would be interesting to have

I fucking adored her in Electric Dreams. One of my huge 80's crushes. Great interview.


I think that's the one! Thanks!

I was waiting to read this review yesterday, when I was mad.

I can't wait to see them in Vancouver in the fall!! 

Holy fuckballs this movie scared me.
Of course-it might have had to with the fact that I was 9 and watched it on TV alone while my mom had left me for the weekend in a house with no heat and phone while she went to party with a biker gang.
That kid drowning in the tub…brrrrr!
BTW there was another movie I watched one

I've been reading The Onion since it was a free paper. I have every book and read the AV Club daily. NOTHING compares to what you just said-i will take it to my grave. No acknowledgement is needed-thank you for the last 14 years.

Maybe the AV Club should do a piece on ghostwritten works under the original author's (now copyrighted) name.
Robert Ludlum and V.C. Andrews spring to mind…I think Mario Puzo's another.

Wait-it's "white wing dove"? seriously??? I always thought it was "One winged dove"-which makes the the song that much sadder.  I'm sticking to my interpretation.