
Only one man: Fred Gwynne.


No just threatened her teasingly-it's like a gag-she just laughed and I still had to get my own bourbon while we watched Boardwalk Empire Season 2…

We have this radio station in Canada  called Jack FM-its a mix of current top 40 (whatever the fuck that is) 70's 80's and 90's-with 33% Canadian cheese.
They play that one JEW song all the time-who the fuck rhymes "Manson" with "ass in"
Fuck JEW

Who read Severed? Awesome, but makes Walking Dead look like My Little Pony.
What I mean to say, is that Severed is bleak, scary and depressing, perhaps moreso than The Walking Dead-and by comparing it to something uplifting-such as My Little Pony-AV Club posters could get a sense of Severed's tone.
His Batman is one of

Nothing personal AB-but I'm fucking sick to death of people thinking that Superman is boring-he's not. The issue is that people look at Superman as a character like Batman, who is complex, and think that because he's simple (not dumb) he's boring. Good writing makes good characters no matter what. There's been plenty

WTF? I was expecting a Bachman-Turner Overdrive biopic-not this arty shit.

You be trollin'. The original Superman was and still is a classic.

Clockwork Angels by Rush is one of their best albums ever-and that's from a catalog stuffed with great ones.

The thing that hooked me on BoC was the samples of NFB of Canada films. I'm Canadian and grew up in a rural part of Ontario…where TVO was the only thing I could watch (Dr. Who terrified me) and spent my summers chopping milkweed plants with a stick I imagined was Sting from The Hobbit…Rush's Tom Sawyer roared out of

SAGA is fucking awesome. I met Fiona Staples at a convention and she did a sketch of Lying Cat for me. She was as cool as the comic.

The Rock isn't closeted or 45…I don't understand.
But regardless…Vin seems like a pretty cool guy-he likes Dungeons and Dragons. Not sure about the hate.

Bring on Kiki, yo! that shit is IMAX worthy-fuck the CGI stuff-I'm drunk on Bombay Sapphire.

funny story: Dinklage was at the Calgary Comic Expo recently-(and he was a class act from start to finish)-and was doing a GoT seminar with Lena Headey. There were fan questions from the audience (and God, some of them were idiotic) and one of them started with "I just loved you in In Bruge…" Peter then gently said,

I remember two consecutive issues of an X-men title Lobdell worked on back in the 90's that had the exact same description of Storm, line for line. My standard joke back in the day at the ol' comic store was "what do Scott Lobdell and UXM have in common? Two failed comics! "But you'd have to know he was a former

"Watermark" - Enya
I'll be listening to that album until the day I die

Holy shit that was funny-"I'm from the street! You from Sesame Street!"
Nat X-thank god they didn't fuck it up with a Lorne Michaels produced movie.

Why did I click on this bullshit? I'm going upstairs to drink craft beer and listen to the new Ulrich Schnauss album.

Her tits aren't THAT big-but she is striking-I'll give you that. And she's got serious flow. And here I thought Icy Blu was the best female rapper ever.

Fuck she's awesome-for a while I was playing "Wildest Moments" over and over and over-I thought it summed up perfectly a relationship I was having at the time…that since went scorched earth and now…well I'm not sure I'll ever find a song for a relationship again. Not a big fan of garage, though-just because I hated