Imam McCheese

Cosby was really known for the sweaters though. He wore a different one in just about every episode and fans actually sent him ones that he would wear. And other references were made early on including the Hibbert's house looking just like the set of the Cosby show. They just stopped making those references decades

Probably nothing since he was actually completely innocent of rape and ultimately found not guilty with the jury issuing an apology for his treatment.

But the colors do have an association with ethnicity. Asian characters are sort-of off-white. Latino characters like bumblee man are brownish, black characters are a bit darker. And whenever a real-life person is portrayed the color matches their ethnicity with yellow being the stand-in for white.

The references made early on in the character's life were pretty obvious to most people at the time. Not just that he was a black doctor who wore Cosbyesque sweaters but also the resemblance of his family to the Huxtables. The most undeniable reference was probably his house which looked a whole lot like the set of

I was a field technician for them for years. If a household was shown to be watching the same program over and over again constantly it would trigger an alert that would be investigated. Also, it wouldn't matter for the live ratings anyway. After a show airs watching it again later would only count in the DVR ratings.

You werent' participating in the ratings exactly. The daily ratings are determined by equipment actually attached to people's TVs. You were part of sweeps week. At one time Nielsen equipment could only tell them that a households tv was tuned to a certain channel but they had no way of knowing who in the house was

All tv programs have an audio code called a SID code that Nielsen can identify. They've been using this system for about a decade. They've had the ability to do it on devices other than TVs for a long time but it's an issue of the people paying them for the ratings info wanting them to do it.

It's useful data but it still doesn't have the kind of info that Nielsen has. Streaming services don't make you undergo the kind of lengthy, intrusive survey that Nielsen does. I used to be a field rep for Nielsen. It took a half hour to complete the survey when you hooked them up. Nielsen knows all kinds of detailed

The difference between Nielsen and Netflix is that all Nielsen participants undergo a lengthy demographic survey when they participate. Nielsen knows everything about them, age, education level, income, race, marital status, how many cars they own, etc. I used to work for them, the survey takes a half hour to

I was a field technician for Nielsen from 2003-09. The move away from diaries isn't recent. they've been using equipment attached to tvs in all the major cities for decades. Participants are selected by randomly generated addresses and matched up to the US census to ensure it is a representative sample of the US.

Well, okay, but here where it says, "What I got you gotta get and put it in ya," how about just, "What I'd like is I'd like to hug and kiss ya."

Is she Canadian?

Yeah I was a Junior when the Blue Album came out. I don't think I owned it at the time but I remember it being in heavy rotation on the radio and MTV at the time. I don't think I was aware of Pinkerton's existence until I was well in to college.

Watching roaches climb the wall, if you called your dad he could stop it all…

I'm pretty sure she could still move back home if it came to that. That's a safety net some people don't have.

Just like Santa Claus

The whole thing ends with Molly apprehending Mr. Wrench as he puts Malvo through a wood chipper.

Gov't boobs. Now I'm thinking about Hillary Clinton naked. Thanks.

As someone who grew up in the LA area I find his sentiment kind of annyoing. The idea that LA is some soul sucking hellhole as compared to any other big city always comes from some jaded actor that moved there from somewhere else to make it big. They never seem to consider that their attitude about the place is based

An RN in Southern California like Dawn is making more than enough money to afford those raffle tickets.