Imam McCheese

He went to prison at the end of the last one though. Perhaps the involuntary rehab gave him a few extra years.

So as a 39 year old, I shouldn't be with anyone younger than 34? My 27 year old girlfriend is going to be upset when I kick her out of our house but I certainly don't want to break any rules.

Not unless they moved some mountains around at some point. You might be thinking of Westlake Village? Westwood Village is where UCLA is.

Gwen Stefani turned into Lady Gaga so gradually I didn't even notice.

And that dinosaur's name was MOE GREEN!

They have White Castle in Nevada now if you want take a drive but it's really not worth it.

The deep dish thing is mostly for tourists and for special occasions. Thin crust is actually the norm in Chicago for most people and it's pretty good but you don't hear about it.

Seminal punk album and 2006 don't quite connect for me but I'm also really old.

I was two, also. I think my response would have been to shit myself which is coincidentally still what Taco Bell makes me do.

Well, time zone wise it's Mountain Time not Pacific.

She may never find out depending on how that meeting goes. I could see them getting pissed but having the success mitigate it. Jimmy gets put on a shorter leash with the partners and a stern warning but they don't necessarily bring it up with anybody else at the firm.

It depends. I'm an ICU RN in California and I do well but we are also the highest paid in the country. New Mexico pay isn't going to be that great but I'm guessing a hospital RN would be getting at least in the 50K-60K a year range. She might be at a clinic or nursing home making less than that or perhaps she's an LVN

New Mexico is the west coast?

The "having her husband killed" theory doesn't make much sense to me. Why? She's clearly having money problems and is a struggling single mom now. How would she have benefited? Makes more sense that the bad terms with Mike are based on his future shady activities and her suspicions/fear of him.

It could be something deeper on a show like this but right now I'm interpreting it as a stressed-out single mom with murdered husband living in a shitty neighborhood being paranoid.

He would never have gone for it because running commercials like that is what disreputable ambulance chasing law firms do and his firm isn't that kind of place. The commercial may get more clients for this one case but it damages his reputation. Jimmy isn't looking at the big picture. A lawyer like Jimmy doesn't


It's only Vons in Southern California.It's Safeway in Northern California. There used to be Safeway in SoCal but they pulled out in the 80s and sold most of their stores to Vons with some kind of option to buy them back or part ownership deal or something I forget exactly. Anyway in the 90s they exercised their option

Well at least one of his past accusers had a settlement with him so it's not entirely ridiculous to think a person could be financially motivated to make accusations against a famous, rich person who has previously paid off someone else. I'm not saying that this is the case here but I would think that someone in

When the character first appeared he was shown to live in a house that looked just like the set of the Cosby Show with a very similar looking family. He wasn't meant to be be a dead on parody, just a reference to the show's chief competition at the time. They stopped making the references after the early seasons and