
I'm in the same camp with Rabin when it comes to Irréversible, and another movie I would put in the same category is Salò. Supposedly a great movie, no way in hell I'll be watching it anytime soon. Sexual torture and suffering in movies just plain bums me out, and as I've gotten older I haven't really feel the need to

Is she East coast or West coast ventriloquist?

My theory on what is going on at future Denny's (and how the show ends). Predictably, Walt's greed has completely destroyed his family. They are either dead or have deserted him, most likely a mixture of both. He has been exposed and had to go underground. Hank knows what he has done, and what he has been responsible

My theory on what is going on at future Denny's (and how the show ends). Predictably, Walt's greed has completely destroyed his family. They are either dead or have deserted him, most likely a mixture of both. He has been exposed and had to go underground. Hank knows what he has done, and what he has been responsible

Last year when my circle of friends was watching the show for the first time, I had this exact conversation about the when my last ounce of sympathy totally curdled for Walter and I pinpointed the death of Jane. One of my friends responded exactly the way Elvis Flushley did (minus the cunt).  He framed it as Walt

Last year when my circle of friends was watching the show for the first time, I had this exact conversation about the when my last ounce of sympathy totally curdled for Walter and I pinpointed the death of Jane. One of my friends responded exactly the way Elvis Flushley did (minus the cunt).  He framed it as Walt

His work on JLU is the best. Plus his article on the idea of continuity and how all of television exists in the mind of the autistic kid at the end of St. Elsewhere is classic.

His work on JLU is the best. Plus his article on the idea of continuity and how all of television exists in the mind of the autistic kid at the end of St. Elsewhere is classic.

That would be one hell of a dark movie. Definitely not in line with the tone Marvel has set for its films.

That would be one hell of a dark movie. Definitely not in line with the tone Marvel has set for its films.

But are lasers allowed in the Constitution of America?

But are lasers allowed in the Constitution of America?

Or maybe Biocarbon Amalgamate.

Well, in terms of plot, Jasmine had brought about the permanent darkness that probably resulted in lots of deaths. She was responsible for the Beast and all his shenanigans. And she did goad Connor into straight-up murdering an innocent woman. Admittedly, its not cut and dried, but the characters acknowledge that

Our personal politics often color our interpretations. I remember watching these episodes when they first aired, not too long after we began our invasion of Iraq. I was against the war and with all the nationalistic fervor at the time, I felt like an outsider looking in on something dark and scary. Fred's arc in these

Also edit out the "God did it" explanation and the Starbuck is an angel reveal.

If you haven't watched all of Season 4 spoilers.

This is all really starting to Bug me.

That could work. One camera angle they keep going repeating is a shot from the ground looking up ,e.g., cleaning up the blood and guts from the acid bath in Season 1, or the various times they've shown Walt and Jesse filling up some vat with chemicals. I mostly recall this angle being used when they depict Walt or

My sense of the Walt/Gale relationship was that Walter felt intellectually threatened by having such a competent and intelligent lab partner. Not only was Gale a good chemist, he was literate and philosophical as well, two qualities Walter lacks. Walt had to confess ignorance when Gale first referenced the Whitman