Shue for America

Artistic Sacrifice
You know, if Richard had sucked it up and made some short-term sacrifices and let his movie be broadcast, he might have lived to see a director's cut DVD release.

Isn't Julie Delpys Lipstick more of a traditional homosexual chick?

Rumble in the Bronx is one sixth of my DVD collection. One third,if you don't count TV series and snowboarding videos.

My favorite Beatles album? Either Abbey Road or Let It Be, depending on how you look at it.

Damn, all that time I though that, this being the AV Club, that was from Mr. Show, or maybe Arrested Development.

I was hoping they would do something with lolcats or databases of sports statistics.

Gah! I swear to Christ I didn't notice the word "first" in there until I posted.

Speaking as an electronic music devotee
Hate to single out Oakenfold, since I don't know his work that well, but it's artists like him that made me think I hated electronic music as a genre for the first 18 years of my life.

Let's hear it for San Marino
The Vatican ain't got nothing on you.

Holy shit, I just now saw the MB in the Milwaukee Brewers logo.

It's not like you need more than a couple sentences for people to get the gist.

YouTube rating: 1.5 stars
Jesus, even total crap usually gets nothing gets below 2 stars, unless it's called "Super CUTE kittens compilation" and actually cuts to footage of some guy getting beheaded at 10 seconds in.

To be fair, this was a lot closer to a John Grisham novel than the first two selections.

Oh, I vote Roualt, by a lot. Not sure what that says about me.

I found Richard Hudson to be a jerk too (who wouldn't?), but the kind of jerk that's charming enough that you can root for him as a character. Kind of like ZMF.

Poll: Roualt Clown vs. Richard Jr.
Which upset you more? Richard trashing his stepfather's painting or the feticidal sucker punch?

A couple of choice quotes, just what I remember off the top of my head: