Shue for America

Here's to the next seven years.

<—- You forgot the picture next to the definition.

Merry Bellasties™ Day, everyone! To be sure, this is a bittersweet occasion, because I'm starting to think I may really be last.

I wonder if Nope is still the original Nope, or if it's some sort of Tony Clifton / Dread Pirate Roberts thing.

Oops, this comment shouldn't exist.

That's the LAST time I make that mistake!

Damn it! I forgot our anniversary again!

My favorite part of the plant cell is the chloropLAST.


Pro Tip
The audio from "When the Leaves Blow Away" was released in CD form as "I Still Have a Pony". The different names still confuse me.


The character of Al Gore is only tangentially related to the question of whether global warming is a real problem. If you prove that Gore is a pandering liar, you've only scored points against anyone clueless enough to cite him as a scientific authority.

To clarify, I wasn't saying the quality of air and water don't need to be vigilantly protected, I just meant that oxygen and H20 don't just turn into some useless byproduct the moment you use them, the way hydrocarbons do when you use them to run your car.

In defense of Balls (heh heh), his icon doesn't mean he takes the "Obama = communist" thing seriously. That would indeed be as dumb as "Bush = fascist". I've been giving him the benefit of the doubt and assuming he just doesn't like Obama.

By someone, I mean one of the AV Club staff. Commenters call the staff's sanity into question regularly, so that wouldn't be terribly exciting.

"Handlen makes it unanimous." Personally, I'm waiting for someone to actually hate the month's selection so much they call into question the sanity of the person who chose it.

"I really liked how Hudson's movie idea was clearly connected to his own view of life, but was directly taken from the life he was living." Was that supposed to be "wasN'T directly"?

I think the problem is that the book announcements show up in Newswire bu not Wrapped Up In Books.

Zack, did you get that summary from a game of Telephone?

No lasties for you on this thread, mbs!