Shue for America

A double woot indeed.

Nuns in a Blender?

And I've never stopped commenting to read the article, but nottheradio has sold me. Here goes nothing!

Some Douche GTSTMU: that made me laugh. Thank you.

Jewfro Tull - but what about the fact that *I like music criticism*? You can't contradict that, either! Did I just BLOW YOUR MIND?

::considers Combo Breaker, refrains::

Speaking of Legos and Wikipedia. there's a hilarious argument at the Lego article there about whether the plural "Legos" is a real word, or whether it's only acceptable to say "Lego bricks" or "Lego toys".

You forgot your sunglasses, Roneesh.

Could someone point me in the direction of an old thread that would explain this "gluniack" thing? I just got a call for papers for a memetic-history colloquium and this sounds like it might fall within my research area.


There are indeed sexier pictures of Mandy Moore, but Ghost hasn't figured out how to unlock the parental controls on his wank bank.

Dammit, that was supposed to be "who like what you don't like". Although the original is true too.

There's nothing wrong with saying how much you hate some band. It only gets douchey when you start saying how much you hate the *people* who don't like what you like.

What sucks is that he still hasn't told me the answer.

DMB Shirts
My brother went to a Dave Matthews Band concert recently. He kept seeing people wearing t-shirts that said "DMB". Dozens of them. My brother, being a casual fan at most, and having an off day as far as his deductive skills, was baffled as to the significance of this acronym. Only at the end of the concert,

Holy crap. I just looked up the lyrics to that Lil' Jon song, and now that I can actually understand what the hell he's saying, it's that much worse (better).

The look on the little girl's face after the "turn around bitch" lyrics is particularly notable.

Featuring fat teddy bears with Aphex Twin faces doing jumping jacks and pelvic thrusts, I should mention that.

People dressed in cuddly/creepy character suits
Makes me think of one of my favorite Aphex Twin videos: Donkey Rhubarb