Shue for America

498 Reasonable Discussions about weird names…
…and no one has brought up Johann Gambolputty … of Ulm? Tsk tsk.

Ha ha! I always thought BeIIona was mildly amusing, but now I really get it. I am steeped in AV Club lore! Also, last.

Damn straight, Troy, my man.

Whence "Why Do I Own This?"
Wait, that's supposed to be "whither". The fucking point is, bring this column back.

A Matter of Grave Importance
The first thing my language-nerd self noticed in this article was the accent above the second E in DECLEOR. It looks all wrong there. Since I have nothing better to do, I looked up the product's web site, and it looks like it's actually supposed to be DECLEOR. I was going to give Mr. Rabin

I agree with teh dude. Although I wish you could have worked in "sour pumpkins" and that Frank Darabont thing, the latter of which I still don't get.

I love that ZMF even types his URLs in all caps. Although it does bring up some troubling issues if he ever needs to deal with Linux file names.

At first I thought Caruso was doing some sort of meta thing where he just made a normal comment rather than a corny play on words. Damn, I'm glad I started reading the article before I asked what the hell he was going for here.

Nothing at all useful to contribute
No way. No fucking way.

Wow, I already thought Varietese was annoying before I knew they had a page saying "Look at all the wacky jargon we use around here! We could just use English in our actual articles, but we'll give you a glossary instead."

What's your brand?
Anything slim!

Slagging something off with authority - probably the only reason I would watch a Dane Cook movie.

I'm sold. It's already in my Netflix queue.

I agree that it's admirable to criticize a group for promoting its cause in the wrong way, even if that cause is worthy. And maybe Parker and Stone didn't mean TA:WP to be taken the way I took it. But there's just something in the tone of the movie, something I couldn't put my finger on, that came off as mocking

Ebert's Review
I've only seen TA:WP once, and it's been a while, so I may be off-base, but I remember agreeing with Ebert about the satirical tone of the movie: http://bit.ly/KSUrz

Best one yet.

For me, Nathan Rabin looks like this one dude I knew named Nathan. Revelatory, I know.

I love Phish (Lawn Boy through Rift, at least) despite never having listened to a note of it stoned.

On second thought, nah, you're right.