Shue for America

I miss green chile cheeseburgers.

I don't know, Piviopea, I barely held on to my monocle there.

Someone work in that quote from The Jerk about how long the days and weeks seemed. I have to go to sleep.

Somehow I've managed to literally never see a minute of American Idol on TV. And it's not just some hipster douchebag "I don't own a TV" purposeful avoidance either, just dumb luck.

Oh and was it just my imagination, or did they make some big deal on the making-of short or something about the aliens not actually being aliens, but INTERDIMENSIONAL BEINGS? Thanks guys, that distinction really made the movie.

I actually found Crystal Skull marginally entertaining. I think the key was that shit got stupider and stupider gradually enough that it just barely kept me from rebelling at some point and ejecting the DVD.

Tim - that makes me think of a poster at my school's library that read "Don't Be Cruel to a Book That's True". It featured an anthropomorphized book crying because of all the abuse he'd suffered at the hands of negligent readers. Damn, as a bibliophile, I felt sorry for the little guy.

Are you saying that Josh Modell *and* Wikipedia lied to me?

I can only dream of a thread with nothing but an all-star cast of "character" posters, featuring David Caruso, Query Garcia, Bob Dole Likes Peanut Butter, and The Clapper.

I think the "badass" makes "badass albino monk assassin" a pleonasm*.

Angels and Demons Food Cake
Rocky Road to Perdition
That Thing You Donuts

It's been a while, but I remember Big Fish pissing me off for similar reasons. Some relativist claptrap about the dude's made-up stories being real if you believed in them.

Catch Me If You Cranberry Sauce

Tautou vs. Fiorentino
Audrey Tautou: hot Last Scion or hottest Last Scion?

Serious stuff? What a downer.
I saw Riding Giants and Dogtown and Z-Boys, and they were both pretty good. He should have made his next film about snowboarding, to round out the trilogy.

Pitchfork Gives Music 6.8

I won't argue with that. I don't think I learned to like the sludgy songs (e.g. Laura, Moving Away) so much as built up an immunity to them in order to be able to listen to the CD straight through. If an album has enough songs I really like (e.g. Pork Roll Egg & Cheese, Mononucleosis), I have a perverse desire to make

I know it's usually stupid to feel bad about liking something, but the fact that I love "Don't Stop Believing" makes me ill.

Overrated means "the critical consensus is more positive than it should be." Fewer syllables too.

Auds find Variety's signature style grating.