Shue for America

I miss being able to have your own subject line, because I wanted to write "Ba-Dum-Chh" without putting anything in the body of the post.

Third best, behind only Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Alvin and the Chipmunks. Holy shit, I just now realized all three of my favorite cartoon theme songs are from shows with talking animals.

1 2 3 4 fight!

It's like they tried to rip off that episode of Futurama where Fry drinks 100(?) cups of coffee and times slows down, but instead of the drug in question being a stimulant like caffeine, they went with an opiate.

Not to mention Christopher McCandless.


Hey Harbinger, is your avatar a Natalie Dee drawing?

Fuck You Guys
I already can't find a copy of "Geek Love" without an "Official AV Club Wrappd Up in Books selection" graphic plastered over the front cover.

Preemptive Douchiness
Poster 1: "Hey, I like Snake 'n' Bacon"

Gah, Stuff n Fluff, you totally stole my "I'm looking at the AV Club edit profile screen" joke. Guess I'm not a unique snowflake like I thought.

Wait, is "aides" a misspelling on your part, or is that a mutation on the canceraids meme that I've so far missed?

I know intellectually that I should hate firsties, but, ehh, I just don't. So I guess you have to wait until the next comment to leave.

Just wanted to give Now Zoidberg is King props* for his Calvin and Hobbes reference. I love that line, even though I don't remember what strip it's from.

Oh, they're not being sarcastic. Nooooo! That's just a little speech impediment. They can't help it!

An alternative soundtrack to Sorcelosopher's Stone by the creator of Baby Cakes? Holy shit, that has to be awesome. Thank you, Mr. Calrissian, for pointing out its existence.

I've never seen Scrubs, so I have no opinion on it, but in defense of the "hipsters", I'll give them the benefit of the doubt and assume that they genuinely dislike it, rather than just pretending to to echo the majority view around here. Could there be any more commas in that sentence?

A Matter of Orthography
Shouldn't "Beyoncalike" actually be spelled "Beyoncalike", with the cedilla preserving the soft C of "Beyonce"?

I was never into ranch dressing until I tried it on Sonic's cheese-stuffed jalapenos. Dear lord, that is good.

I used to eat banana and mayonnaise sandwiches all the time when I was a kid.

Where n is a postive integer.