Shue for America

That picture
looks like a screen shot from Idiocracy.

I am a very important person with a very important request
If there was an option to view all the comments on one page, that would be sweet. That way I only have to use ctrl+F once to see if anyone's already posted the brilliant witticism I just thought of.

… it's the money!


Damn it
I just bought a DVD player so I can watch Token's copy of the Lion King, and now you're telling me it's obsolete?

"How awesome is our company to have thought of these out-there products that we haven't even started R&D on?"

I may be missing something, but isn't it impossible to make Blu-Ray discs compatible with current DVD players? As I understand it, Blu-Ray's greater data capacity is due to being read by a blu[e] laser with a shorter wavelength than the red one used in DVD players. If you made a disc backwards-compatible, it

UFOs and ghosts, eh? I guess the trend had already started, and I just hadn't noticed. Oh well, I'll guess we'll just have to stick to books and such.

rhetorical question from a newly-minted old guy
What the hell are you people talking about?

The AV CLUB stole my italics
Or did they?

To blazes with ICe road truckers
Not because I dislike the show; I could take it or leave it. What bugs me is that it seems (I could be wrong) to be the first show on the History Channel that really departs from the channel's, y'know, history theme. Well, it is history in that by the time you're watching it, it has,

That was either the funniest dumb joke I've read in the comments, or the dumbest funny joke.

new slang will always be totally awesome
Because I will always associate it with the end credits in TB10 : Optigrab.

I'll do you one better. I hate Earth ethics.

That's how we roll in the 505.

more like Devil's radvocate, am i right?
No, because I have not seen this film.

Do you guys do requests? sure ya do
Oh! Oh! One of you AV staff folks should totally post a comment with the subject line "ast ye mateys"! You'd be crazy to pass up this opportunity. Unless you think the joke is really stupid. Which it is.

1) "Comprise" isn't exactly a fancy word. I think most people who use it aren't *trying* to be anything. Give lexicondevil the benefit of the doubt.
2) "Get a dictionary, motherfucker"? Come on man, no need for that.

Sweet, I learned a new Britishism today.

World's saddest firstie