The Short Stories of Ass

"Aww, I think I offended The Short Stories of Ass  by insulting Rupert Murdoch's publications.
My guilt is simply overwhelming."

Hey, I trust ya— you like it here more than I do!

"scapegoating them" …Yeah, umm, sure.

What a fuckin' humorless write-up. The Huffington Post is a-beckoning, dude.

Damn a "Rupert Murdoch hates minorities" burn.

Well @avclub-9ff7c9eb9d37f434db778f59178012da:disqus, if reading Tennessee Williams taught me anything, it taught me that latent homosexuals and flammy homosexuals make the cutest of couples!! You keep on penissing in heems ya hear!

Thanks, that just made me gagged. Now I'm changing my allegiance: Go on, Evan (Lysacek)! You go, boy. Learn that quad, and you give it to me on the rink. Ohh I can't wait…

"…NBC didn’t even have a good bullshit answer"

Aww…cry me a fuckin' river.

That's how two-bit these assholes are. Get used to it.

Scratch out the "great".

Well, tell him to stop carrying that big fuckin' notebook on stage if he's such a bestest. The fuck is up with that? Also, Richard Lewis's dicky ass notebook with its tired Jewish cues.

Both stink. There you go— satisfied?

Another dated, humorless political reference / analogy.

So he's trying to be funny?…

There are too many "I wish…" and "but…" and "if he just…" in your pleading. Some people aren't just meant to be great, you know.

Ha, because she's anti-religious and that! (Damn, are you motherfuckers predictable)

If only I was a little bit more fussed with your Rick Santorum joke, eh?

re: FernetBranca— Political and humorless, what a rare and novel combination. You'll fit in quite well here; hell, maybe you could become an AV club contributor. Your possibilities are endless.

…And every last of them FUNNY! and BITING!!