The Short Stories of Ass

Good god, lighten the fuck up. …And Marilyn Monroe was a ho, who gives a fuck.

Woah woah woah, and no The Replacements' TIM?? Well now you're just being overly-precious.

Funny about the selective deletion of posts— I guess missed the AV Club guidelines for what posts fit into their ideological prejudices and what doesn't. Of course, "persons attempting to find a moral in it will be banished"; and, if not already: "Persons attempting to find a motive in this narrative will be

You mean sort of like Charlie Rose's persona/career?

Of course "trolling" is only reserved for the reactionary. And the writer of "Mark Twain would have shot Trayvon Martin too" is only an unintended and anachronistic byproduct of said reaction; in other words, a troll enab-…err umm, disabler.

Of course, and let's not those "interesting" misconceptions get in our way.


Personal license to annoy morons. And of course I'm sure I will be reciprocated.

Hey, the first to utter "racist!" is sanctified!!!

Right, this "frantic man with a history of violence who was stalking the minder of his own business"— you mean Trayvon Martin? Of course I, too, can only speculate.

Dude, isn't this like the 39th time you made it known that this is some second or third or fourth account of some pre-existing member? Yes, I had one other account, and I forgot my password. And no, it wasn't deleted (nice try, though), nor am I "Grey Man Writes", or whoever it was you brought up. I don't know what

Don't worry, I'm here to make you wonder.

Hey, you forgot "…and persons attempting to mind their own business while miraculously, simultaneously beating another's head in will be martyrized."

No wonder people think you motherfuckers are some unfunny, non-sequituring dicks.

Cause motherfuckers like you, consciously or unconsciously, perpetuate that living wall of amateur adulators and professional sycophants— not unlike those fucks on CNN. Under the fuckin' guise of a social helper, it is acceptable for you to not accept the shit that fucks with your sanctimony (e.g., your self-defined

Funny how my comment telling that Mohd idiot to keep his shitty reductive political comments to a minimum is being flagged. Bunch of fuckin' aggregate seniority pricks.

But of course I'm a racist for delving out social truths, and not blighted sympathies to draw conclusions for "justice" like dear "social helper" K. Thrace here. Ass backwards motherfuckers.

You find it hard to ignore me because the fuckin' truth is eating away at you, yes?

Of course somebody should erase that^ too, because he's racist, man! by addressing racism in a not so a-racial manner— God forbid, such discourse!