The Short Stories of Ass

Dude, just be glad they didn't give anything remotely sports-related for that Kevin McFarland to work on.

Oooh, you should see his writeup on racism (on CBS sitcoms) as dealt by those advocacy groups. He's a very paradoxical young man, I say. Oh no, no sanctimony at all on his part.

You giving a fuck and sharing it in a rather humorless manner, obviously. 

"…Morning Joe’s Mika Brzezinski said…"

I'm with you. After seeing Wang Chung doing that Modest Mouse cover on here, I feel the levels of exploitation on both sides are a bit wincing. Kind of like Mickey Rourke in The Wrestler or Eddie Money in that insurance commercial, life just fuckin' sucks when our heroes are no longer proper heroes.

"the 1999 Women’s World Cup victory should be considered on the same level with the Miracle On Ice."

This shithead doesn't really get why old dudes dig young chicks. Stupid reductionist motherfucker!

"advocacy group"…Is that another term for a weekly gathering for unemployed ACLU lawyers?

Good god, when did the A.V. Club become TMZ, with the fuckin' righteous indignation BS?

…But Asian girls in schoolgirl outfits are fuckin' sexy and* submissive though.

Shit, I guess I'm a SpongeBob and Everybody Loves Raymond kind of guy.

So the A.V. Club is still trying to convince itself that Eugene Mirman is funny…

Dear A.V. Club,

I watched The Nutty Professor last night— debonaire Jerry was just fuckin' eerie, man. Gotdamn, when he was up on stage at the end— what a scene.

Fuck, even Serge Gainsbourg knew about the genius of Jerry. If only my mother…

Ha, you…

Oh don't worry about it, everything is half-assed around here lately.

Fuck man, they need to bring back the Project Runway write-ups— cause they were, pound for pound, the best commenting sections.

Great great GREAT movie

You weren't here for the Man of Steel hey-day, were you? Cause they were churning out crappy half-baked article after crappy half-baked article. It got to the point that I reckon they were dipping into their freelance budget for that.