The Short Stories of Ass

…of course when there were a couple of times he didn't. But we wouldn't want measly facts to get in the way of our fan-boy idolatry, would we?


To be fair, it would've taken Rex Reed 20 seconds to come up with something like this Newswire article.

Oh my God, I hope they rip that phony, surface-level cunt Luisa a new asshole.

Now you're sounding like Nancy Grace. Shut up.

Hey @K. Thrace, we get it: You like black people. Now shut the hell up.

What he wrote about Kurt Cobain was right though.

Shut up, you latent racist, groveling, paternalistic white person.

Fuck, is it just me or has this website recently become Entertainment Weekly or those catty P-C dicks from TMZ? (I know 'know, it's just me.) First all the dumb Man of Steel baiting, now this Paula Deen feigned-outrage shit.

'It's not close to being anything like a good movie, let alone a "great Superman movie".'

*ding ding

Wait, so you're trying to prove a point by referring to an incompetent retort to another source from another comment thread on a different website in another part of the internet that I don't wish to go or experience? .

THEY WANT THEIR MORAL AMBIGUITY OR COMPLEXITY, AND THEY WANT IT NOW!! Otherwise, these "critics" won't be able to enforce their opines.


Hey Dick, Ass here, have you watched the movie? If not, shut your hole, and I'll shut mine.

As one who had never held any preconceived notions on how Superman should really be and is apathetic towards superhero movies in general, I agree with Armond "Oh no, he's a troll— SO DON'T YOU DARE LISTEN TO HIM!" White's thoughts on Man of Steel:

Dude, I don't appreciate you presupposing I'm looking for soft porn, or its lesser imitations, on a pop culture site.

No, I haven't as yet seen.

You motherfucker, they don't. It's just a lil uncomfortable sitting, watching next to a "holy person" while sounds and images of fucking are going on.

Hey guys, my sister—who is a Catholic nun— is coming over for her annual weekly visit. And I've just got the DVD set. Can you guys refer me to some episodes of Freaks and Geeks where there is no lip-locking among the young kids and no suggestive, umm, behavior or implications of sexual activity among the parents.