The Short Stories of Ass

"there were no real characters" …I don't know what you mean by this— by "real". You mean like Ordinary People types? Yeah, I don't know what you mean by this.

It's really baffling. And the reasons they've given for hating it are just as baffling.

Ha, the fuckin' shocker. Another half-assed [i]reductio[/i] diss of Man Of Steel. Whoever, or rather, whatever you are, you are consistent, I'll give you that, AV club!

Hey, everybody can't be Mencken all of the fuckin' time!! Think of me as a layman's David Brooks— with less of a vocabulary but the same capacity for pointed aloofness.

WTF, Are you guys hiring college bums off the streets to write news articles now? Sure as fuck looking like it is.

Yes it was. It was amazing.

You prideful dick.

Good, now go rid yourself of that lazy, ad hominem satirical bullshit.

Yeah, I agree. The snide criticism of these AV club fucks is so half-baked. It's analogous to criticizing a literary movie adaptation for not being literary enough, and I couldn't give a fuck about superhero comic books.

I was "meh" with Watchmen. Man of Steel moved me. I like to add that I've hardly been moved by a fuckin' superhero movie, but this one did, in a great fuckin' way.

"Boo hoo Superman is not what I wanted him to be boo hoo hoo"

Shut up, you big pile of shit. Man of Steel was fuckin' amazing.

Trust me, in due time, it will be held in higher regard than any one of Nolan's Batman movies.

Just fuckin' love how all these AV club cynical fuckers, who were jerking off to the shitfest that was The Avengers and totally bigging up the latest Fast & Furious movie (mind, I really like the Fast Five movie), are now shitting on the one truly great action movie of the year. Listen I wasn't a fan of Zack Snyder

Man, after reading this article, I'm starting to wonder if the AV club should just give up covering music altogether— beneficial for the readers, and way more beneficial for them.

God, does this whole article screams "hipster bullshit" to me.

"Jason Heller

In something related, that was some funny shit when Liam called George Harrison a nipple that one time, and offered to fight McCartney and Keith Richards on the side of a hill or something. Damn, those coked-out Gallagher interviews were the best. Ohh, the 90s.

Hey, I like Beady Eye! but of course I like catchy, poppy rock 'n roll songs and not fuckin' disco beatsy shit (Daft Punk) or psychedelia drones who thinks anything perceived as catchy is "too commercial, man!!" (Tame Impala) or "art" ambient elevator muzak to be used in the next Malick flick (Radiohead). Fuck that,

Hey hey, their new stuff is sounding good too.