
I gasped out loud at the gun. I was thinking we were going to see some secret singing abilities which was pretty dumb on my part but whatever.

Hey Ilana it's definitely gimp.

More embarrassing then wearing a backpack as a diaper?

“To you, I’m a stray kitten left on your doorstep to be protected. The
secretary turned damsel in distress. The girl on the pedestal,
transformed into some daft whore.”

It was so nice to see Abbie in a storyline that relies on her reacting to the plot instead of letting it all filter through Ichabod. Hopefully this can stick around cause it was a breath of fresh air. The Katrina thing absolutely made no sense. She may have been sympathetic to Henry but when she was first introduced

Or even just contrast the characters without revealing plot details. I don't know why that would be so hard.

Oops. Looks like I made a mistake reading this review before watching Jane the Virgin. Thanks!

I agree in a way - it is a good shake up and shows Damon's reckless behaviour but for such a long time now I feel like there are no consequences when the characters make mistakes. Like before Elena would have had a problem with those choices and Damon would have had to do something about it. Now everyone is like

I can't at how they woke up a sociopath who has murdered a bunch of people to help a woman dying of cancer. I can't even believe that Sheriff Forbes would have even let him touch her. Elena and Damon are the worst. I think I'm finally out on this show. And coming from someone who still watches Supernatural that is a

I think the problem is that other shows that do this are not usually reviewed by those that are very familiar with the world. So oil barons didn't recap Dallas, socialites don't tell me about Revenge etc. etc.

I thought these two episodes were the best of them all. There were some parts where I was just rolling: straight up family tree, "black kid" followed by his reaction to it, the whole drunken assassination attempt. I really really really hope they renew this! I'll be so sad if not.

Taraji P. Henson delivered "You're going to hell" in a way that I totally believed. Like straight up there is a hell and Lucious is going to it. It's a fact. I adore her.

This was a pretty good episode. And I didn't even notice that Bruce was missing which actually bodes well for the show long term. I loved the bit where he just threw water on the device (and the part leading up to it where he glances at the desk and sees the glass of water). This episode was written by Ben Edlund and

Yeah, I kinda still love this show. I loved how everyone thought the new assistant was a dumbass. I also haven't been to impressed with Terrence Howard but there was this moment after he made his weepy speech about the dude he killed that was just so 'hmm they bought it' that was just hilarious. I have a theory that


The best thing about this is how they nailed what it was like working for in a boy's club type office. Obviously much worse in the 40's but there were a few scenes that kinda resonated with me which is kinda sad. Also Peggy's face when the radio program was on in the diner was perfection.

I love this show! I'm already in love with everyone and want all the songs. This will prove to be one of those shows that we'll see forever in GIF form because there are some incredible lines. I even liked the Mama jokes but laughed out loud at the slow joust.

I am the only wimp that was genuinely creeped out by some of the stuff in this episode? Probably. This was so much better then the 2nd ep. that they went with. I think it was a mistake to shelve this one - way more engaging and John felt more in his element.

Does anyone know why Abbie was wearing a hat the whole time? So out of place. I feel like the hairdresser called in sick or something.

This show is so over the top and I love it. I get that I'm watching something that is cheesy and badly written but I like the interactions (Alfred & Bullock! Selina & Ivy & Bruce) and the scheming. It's just so silly and fun.