
The part where he talked about what a good girl she was felt so real. It was so good!

I'm not someone who supports violence but goddamn watching Ramsey get beat and then eaten by dogs was really satisfying.

I liked this episode (Arya, Hound, etc.) but I feel like plot wise the theories everyone had last week were better? Like some of it felt a bit anticlimatic? I did like that the Brothers were proven to not be shitheads.

I agree and I get why we never had him admit it before. But they had had a similar conversation before when she showed up instead of his kid - I thought it was clear then that she knew what he had done. But I don't get why he wasn't able to clearly say to her that he had never lied to her.

I found the scene with Ray and his ex-wife to be the classic version of the character just not explaining what was going on for no reason at all. It was never clear what he had told his wife about what he had done but I do think she knew that the guy had been killed by Ray. A simple "It was the wrong guy, I was

I agree but to be honest, I expect that of most Hollywood directors. To that end it still seems a bit mild.

Agreed, the knives discussion for instance was great.

I've always liked McAdams but this show is making me realize she is a damn good actress - all of her time travelling romcoms were below her. I think she is holding a lot of this together. I also feel bad for Vince Vaughn as he is…not.

I am fine with her having consensual sex - happy about it actually. I just find it unlikely that it is something she would do so soon after almost being assaulted. If the purpose of the whole thing was for her to realize that Sam was always going to fight for her and for her to express her attraction for him then it

Ugh ugh this episode had a lot of creepy direction/writing:

Thank you!

Can someone remind me what he did/who he is on Arya's list? I didn't recognize the actor that Tyrell left with…but now I realize I was supposed to recognize the name.

Thanks so much!

My PVR screwed up! The last thing I saw was Tyrion taking a piss and I think Jorah showing up? What did I miss after that? Anything big??

It made me aww out loud. Cheesy but great.

This episode dragged a bit but it was one of the best depictions of Nice Guy vs. actual nice guy that I've seen. Some of Phil's whining was just so annoying and entitled. I loved the reveal of Todd.

That is fair, it just feels convenient to the plot. If it had been more about his familiarity with the city or even stuff he had already tried but failed at I think it would have felt a bit more organic and less 'make the woman need the man'

Thank you for articulating this so well, there are so many parts that are really well done and clever and then the relationship between the two of them just seems so cliché. Even the part where she needs his help with the water seemed strange because she seemed pretty self sufficient already but suddenly needs his

I think I liked the first episode better. Carol was just too annoying and they rushed her descent into grubbiness. For a two person show her character development is lacking and I'm not quite sold on the actress bringing much more emotional depth. Though I could be wrong? I'm hooked though, hopefully Forte will write

That is true, but I don't know if Andre knows that? He keeps saying he isn't talented enough. I feel like he either tried to make it entertainment-wise and Lucious shut him down or he just never tried.