
I agree about Harvey overplaying it for most of the episode but his little freak-out was AWESOME. The way his face just flipped over made me understand why they cast him.

There is also the fact that dalliance is used to refer to instances of statutory rape.

I liked the ending but think it was pretty clunky getting there. They need to figure out how to lay out the story better. The hunger demon was interesting but yeah I thought they could have gone a bit farther with it.

This was so much better! There was actual banter and moments between Zed and John. I think the previous episodes were trying too hard to establish them as intense and mysterious that it missed making them feel like people. This episode did a much better job of it.

This was the show I was missing! The voting scene had that great scene of Abbie talking how long it took for her to get the vote. Katrina was definitely a victim but it nice that she had real moments with both Ichabod and Abbie (the part with the two of them with the gun was pretty good) - there was even a bit of

They were forcing the chemistry between Zed and John HARD. I don't think it worked. Zed didn't bounce off him in the right way and they just didn't have time to properly introduce the pairing.

Her face was different last year as well. It just didn't get as much attention. Really timely though.

I didn't think the main plot was much to write home about (though the bone crushing was creepy) but I LOVED the stuff with Bruce and Alfred. I'm surprised how much I'm enjoying watching him develop into a detective vs. Batman.

I can't help it, I agree with all the criticisms but I still find myself enjoying the whole thing. I liked this idea of this council compromise leading to the Gotham that we see later on. I liked how Bullock and Gordon each worked the case in their own way. I knew all along that Cobblepot was going to poison them and

I still don't hate this show! In fact I think I'm liking it. I agree with all the criticism but I love the camp and the grit combined. I like that JPS is doing an epic impression of Eartha Kitt and I like how the relationship between Bullock and Gordon is developing. It's a fun diversion and similar to Sleepy Hollow

I kinda liked it? I thought that yes, there was way too much going on but for the first time I could see how stuff was going to be connected - made Gotham feel bigger you know? And I liked that they went all out on the crazy. The writing definitely still needs work but this is pretty much what I expected from the

There were a lot of great character moments for Annalise but the one that really got me was the part where she said not to ever take away another student's learning opportunity. That was a great way into seeing what kind of mentor she could be.

They did seem to learn a bit from the mistakes - we have an actual villain to start the season off with and he seems at least someone menacing.

This wasn't perfect but damn I loved how Gotham looked. If nothing else they nailed that and I'll continue to watch just for the visuals and the world they are building.

They seem to be dressing Keith like one of the Lost Boys for some reason. But, as you mentioned it makes him look like he has no fashion sense.

This movie was great and cheesy. I feel like I relived what it was like the first time I watched The Goonies when I was about 8. Awesome.

This episode was kinda boring but I don't think with all the reveals it should have been? I love Andy but the scenes with him and his family were way too long and distracting when everyone else had more serious shit going on. Nicole might be smart but the way she delivered her ultimatum was pretty assy. I remember now

Man Jessica and Jason are dumb. This is the second time they have cheated and the first time didn't go so well for them.

I hated when Julia whined to the science lady about not waiting longer for the man with a gun to her head to calm down. Science lady might be annoying and says her lines weird but she communicated 'go fuck yourself' pretty well there.

Fucking Alzheimer's. That got me more then anything else cause it was more 'real world'. Damn that was a great hour of tv.