The New Soft Shoe

Protestantism: the niggling suspicion that someone, somewhere, might be having fun.

Considering the farmer in question is a member of the Democratic Unionist Party, he probably is as far from Catholic as it is possible to be. And evidently not a breast-man.

Wow,yeah. Count me in.

Also Handlen, thank you for this article. Great author, and I think also a great article.

I started with Cat's Cradle, followed by Slaughterhouse 5, and then Breakfast of Champions. All three are pretty much perfect. Any of those three, you can't really go wrong.

In the parlance of our times.

You mean coitus?

That first record is one of the best albums of all time. Just perfect. I love the fact that he takes the drive of the VU but adopts it to his own personality. And the fact that that personality is pretty far from the traditional rock n roll stereotypes just makes it all the more punk.

Maybe the few good clips were picked from the series, but I have to say that (having never seen the show), that montage did really make me want to see it. Looked pretty good to me. But as I say, I haven't ever seen the show, so I can't really judge.

Milton Jones is incredible. As is John Shuttleworth. BBC Radio 4 in general in fact (comedy programming or otherwise) is perhaps the UK's greatest cultural achievement since Shakespeare. And I say that as a Brit.

Hey Girl
Just discovered the whole "Hey Girl" thing through this article, and it's pretty damn hilarious. Good to see Gosling is a fairly self-aware guy too, which can't be easy in Hollywood. Loved this guy in Half Nelson and The Believer, so he can do (almost) whatever he wants now.

Davis. Without doubt. I love A Love Supreme as much as the next man (and quite possible more), but Davis has it for me.

This article, and indeed this thread, restore my faith in humanity. I love the AV Club, but this must be one of the best articles ever featured on this site. Kudos, Mr Pierce. And kudos, likewise, to all you commentators for making me dig out my Miles Davis records. For the record, my favourite three are In A Silent

Amen, brother. If any modern songwriter ever somes up with something like "69 Love Songs", then I shall be impressed. But let's be honest, he won't. You or I can't do it. Only Merritt can do it. Shiiiiiiiiiit.

I enjoy clove cigarettes. Does this make me a bad person? Also I love The Magnetic Fields. And Noel Murray is my favourite journalist. Seriously, go flame me all you want. A guy who can write a song "The Book Of Love", and another who can write a serious defense of Steely Dan? Forgive me for being a romantic, but

I agree. There are some topics where novelty posts are tolerated. The life od JOHNNY FUCKING CASH is not one of them.

"to say"

Kris K. I have no data to back this up, but if you forced me at gun-point to day who was at both funerals, then his is the name that would first pop into my head. Apart, of course, from your mother's, whose lack of moral fibre is legendary.

Amen, M. Monster.Amen.
