The New Soft Shoe

!!!: Top Gun: The Dance-Punk Years

Um… De Niro. Pacino. Godfather 2. Anyone tells me he don't do sequels he will get a kick in the posterior.

You can be my wingman anytime. No wait. No. You can't.

May the Men In Black hunt you down. Yes, that's right. Smith and Jones, rather than Cash an Jennings.

TAB Baimum for President! Of the world!

Your going to Jackson. If Jackson were a synonym for canceraids.

SNL treats objects like women!

I shot a man in Reno, just to watch him…
shit, just realised I am blind. Thus my shooting of said person purely for my enjoyment of his expiration seems somewhat an empty pursuit now.

49% Ramones, and 49% Misfits… sounds like the good shit to me.


Agreed. It used to be one of my favourite features, but it has been all too scarce recently. More Random Rules please!

True, I get your point, but on the other hand the Roman Catholic Church views itself as the one true Church, outwith which salvation isn't possible. Yes, anyone can join, so in that way it is inclusive. Oh, whatever, I was merely trying to help the guy, not spark a theological debate.

Be My Baby! Yes!!! Can't believe I forgot that one. I love the way the drums at the start sound ominous, but then it tranforms into this nostalgic thing accompanying the 'old footage.' Great way to start a movie. Great, great song.

Rags to Riches at the start of Goodellas is good too. Coming straight after that immortal line, it just punches you in the face and says, 'This is going ot be a great film. Pay attention.'

It's got to be the Stones when De Niro enters the bar in Mean Streets. Classic beyond words.

Catholic with a small c usually refers to catholic in its sense of being all-inclusive and wide ranging (i.e. 'I have very catholic taste'), whereas 'Catholic' usually refers to the Roman Catholic church exclusively, thus meaning almost the opposite of its small c counterpart.

Agree on Casino. The first time I saw it I really didn't like it much. It seemed overly long and brutal, and suffered from being somewhat similar but not as good as Goodfellas. But having re-watched it recently, I realised that it does have a lot going for it. You have to take it on its own terms, but what it does it

Best Scorses Film?
For my money, it's definitely Mean Streets. Goodfellas is great too, but Mean Streets just connects on a more personal level for me. Plus Keitel and De Niro are both ridiculously good in the latter.

Just checking out Outlaw Vern, and I am hooked. Excellent stuff! Thanks.

'Danny Says' by The Ramones references listening to one of their own songs on the radio, i.e. 'Sheena Is A Punk Rocker.'