Hauled Away as Garbage

Can I give them the benefit of the doubt if they're Indian? Because I know people who hang them from the rear-view mirrors, but they're all Indian.

I wouldn't have called the Avatar reference. Are they allowed to acknowledge anything that came out four years ago?

You think this is crazy, I'm from the alternate universe where Harrison Ford played Tony Montana.

Abed awakes from a dream. He hears the shower running and heads towards the bathroom.

You know, if there's a "Female Expendables" or two, I would be very disappointed if she forgoes that for being in this thing.

I have seen most of the Resident Evil movies, but I don't actually know which one(s) has(have) that as the final shot.

The correct model for a "film-maker competition" show isn't American Idol, it's Junkyard Wars.

Okay, and looking this stuff up, I've discovered that Wikipedia has a list of every movie from that show:

I need updates on all these guys. What's the skateboard guy up to now? Or the girl who made a horror movie from the perspective of a tree? Did Gary Marshall ever amount to anything?

After he takes a swig of the strawberry drink, I kept expecting him to suddenly grin at the camera and the whole thing would turn out to be a commercial for strawberry drink.

Vin Diesel probably wouldn't agree to it.

If it somehow results in two human centipedes racing one another, maybe I'll actually watch one of these.

⋆ Degradation is its own reward. ⋆

From what I read, they had Hancock blow a hole in the wall from masturbating, to show how dangerous his ejaculations are. And the title was "Tonight, He Comes"

What, no daughters?

I was about to ask why Hans Moleman wasn't in that list of old characters, but then I remembered that he's 31 years old.

Life begins in the testicles! Every sperm is sacred! Stop the prophylactic holocaust!

( •_•)

Is it? I've never been able to track down an original version on DVD.

I still think this is worse because for Star Wars they eventually released the real editions on DVD (even if it was just as bonus discs in a Star Wars box set or something)