Hauled Away as Garbage

It's not wise to upset a gypsy.

I just went to check, and I quickly found a list of 118 people who should be in the next Expendables movie.

Atlas Goes Bananas.

Also I realize my math was off, it would be 490 thousand. Factor in the inflation, and that's over $800 000.

70 episodes? That'll cost $49 thousand!

There was a Wired article that used the word "tweaser" for a 6-second Vine trailer. And as much as the word "tweaser" seems designed to be annoying, I kind of hope this will take off, because I don't think they can entirely spoil a movie in 6 seconds no matter how hard they try.

What, he's got the experience of writing a huge expensive movie. You really want to risk it on an unknown?

I looked up Akiva Goldsmith, he was listed as a producer for I Am Legend 2

Are your friends hot?

To be fair, anyone would have thought of this joke if they met your mom.

So did The Lone Ranger.

Esse Quam Videri: I think the journalism comparison comes up because his primary ethical distinction is what can he change and still see the result as fundamentally authentic.

It's like, how much more whole could these foods be? And the answer is none. None more whole.

Oh, man. I would totally buy a ticket for this.

You don't have a lucky crack pipe?

Shoot him again. His soul is still dancing.

So what should I make it? Pain and Gain? Help me out here.

When I read the title for this, I pictured Don Cheadle sitting by the phone, picking it up to make sure it's still working, and quickly hanging up again.

Nah, I don't know anybody that famous and dead.