Hauled Away as Garbage

Man, I got a Poochie notification for this?

I don't think you can say it's on par with karaoke, unless bunches of drunken salarymen head out to the bukkake bar every Thursday, and teenagers use it as a way to have a low-pressure group date.

I think the trouble here is that justpassingby phrased it as though there is only one "participant."

I guess what they're going for is some sort of plausible deniability.

Are you saying this isn't blatant?

Here I thought the most inexplicable part was the title.

I read a thing about the president's limosine. It is all bullet-proof, of course, but it also can run on its own air-supply for an hour, in case they get gassed. The Whitehouse has anti-aircraft weaponry. When Reagan was shot, the secret service agents had uzis.

I heard you used a Habitrail tube, not a cardboard tube. Of course a paper-towel tube isn't going to be sturdy enough to shove up there.

The crickets and the rust-beetles scuttled among the nettles of the sage
thicket. "Vámonos, amigos," he whispered, and threw the busted leather
flintcraw over the loose weave of the saddlecock. And they rode on in
the friscalating dusklight.

Yes, it was kind of fun.

Plus, he's Canadian.

The phrase "Future Dan Harmon" almost made me create a gimmick account.

I'm curious that there's three Beatles aliens. Is that why they're generic, so you don't know who's missing?

Wait, mbs. Does "Die Hard with a Squeegee" mean he's a window-washer instead of a cop? Because that does sound kind of cool.

There are latex-safe silicone lubes out there. Ed may be thinking of oil-based things like vaseline, which are uniformly terrible for latex.

Who's going to believe a talking head? Get a job in a sideshow.

Okay, I just saw this and it was dumb but a lot of fun.

He looks like he has penises coming out of his sleeves.

Do it from the point of view of the editor. The audience will identify with him as various bits of disconnected footage are brought to him, like a Lady Gaga impersonator doing the "Gangnam Style" dance, or blatant product placement for Pepto Bismol, and the director tells him it all has to go into the movie, but it