Hauled Away as Garbage

Wear a condom. Koalas are totally riddled with chlamydia.

J Park

That trailer shows bottles of milk with pictures of the lost children, in what I guess is supposed to be medieval times?

Both are pretty great, but I can understand focusing on this one for being more unconventional (using the letter excerpts instead of music) and for the sheer quantity of stuff. The Rushmore montage only has a handful of revenge back-and-forths, this has a dozen exchanged letters. Royal Tennenbaums has everything on

To be fair, there may be a selection bias involved, since I don't rub shoulders with captains of industry very often, and when I do, my first question isn't going to be about Ayn Rand.

To be fair, there may be a selection bias involved, since I don't rub shoulders with captains of industry very often, and when I do, my first question isn't going to be about Ayn Rand.

Y'know, I don't understand who thought "black Ocean's Eleven" wasn't guaranteed to make hundreds of millions of dollars and the way to hedge your bets was to put more white guys in there.

Y'know, I don't understand who thought "black Ocean's Eleven" wasn't guaranteed to make hundreds of millions of dollars and the way to hedge your bets was to put more white guys in there.

What about that werewolf kid? They're finished with Twilight, so he must be available.

What about that werewolf kid? They're finished with Twilight, so he must be available.

When I was a kid, I just thought it was hilarious that Bill and Ted both thought of the same number.

When I was a kid, I just thought it was hilarious that Bill and Ted both thought of the same number.

Gimme a percentage for Fred Willard, man.

Gimme a percentage for Fred Willard, man.

What about Fred Willard?

What about Fred Willard?

I have eaten it, and something about the texture or taste did not sit well with me at all. Like I was straight up eating a slab of gristle and tendons.