War On Oats Mom

T-Rex put out two great albums, The Electric Warrior, and The Slider. Incidentally, both have great album covers as well.

How is he a failed musician?  Its fun playing in a bar band.

You are absolutely right, although it relies on jangling open chords, it has tricky rhythm bits and to make it sound good, the band needs to be pretty tight.

I hope you're not the real Jeff Tweedy.

Vince Vaughn.  I thought he had a sense of humour?

Chinese Democracy

Move to Hong Kong. We pay 16% flat income tax, no dividends tax, no sales tax and no capital gains.

Jackson Browne, The Load Out

No one who has seen Wilco play live in the past five years (or listened to Kicking Television) can deny with any degree of plausibility that they are a rock band.

Wow just watched the video!  A real time capsule.  Starting off—Commerce Court at King and Bay, also the high school shots could have been filmed in my high school halls, finally, how about the shot of the kid playing Tempest at the arcade at the end?

This song carries very distinct associations and memories for me of a grade 10 acid trip on a cold grey november sunday afternoon in 1982 in southern ontario, spent sitting in a friend's living room listening to this song.

agree, like the use of "expertly" here::

Actually, they are.  thats why the article says thousands compete for one job.

better than slaving in the rice fields

You moron.  Like the CHinese would have been happier continuing to live under a backward feudal regime rather than modernizing and having a chance to get rich like the those in the west….

I think this movie, and really the whole genre, owes a lot to those early classic tv serials, especially Six Gun Justice, with Don Mills, Cheaplaffs Johnson (whatever happened to him?) and the brilliant Slade Cantrell.  "Going to Town" had the first hat shoot up that I can remember…..

M—m—mm-mm-mind of a LUNATIC!

I have to say I haven't heard many of these bands.  I think the choice of 1993 says more about the age of the author at the time (17) rather than the year itself.  I think I got off better with 1983:  here is the top ten randomly pulled off the first site listed on a google search:  1. REM Murmer, 2. Police

I never said anything about it being true, Mr. Comments Board Truth Policeman.

You are absolutely right, we share, somewhere way back when, a common ancestor!