
Dark Matter? Recent Canadian series…
There's seven of them (if you count the android) with a kick-ass ship though the amnesia makes it a little hard to tell an Avon from a Vila…

Why? RB just said he enjoyed the crappy dialogue, why must he polish the turd if he finds laughing at it as it is fun?

Raises the question then, does the cyber-hacktivist group "Everyone" exist or is it the Machine* messing with Sherlock?

I think the pilot is still on youtube (from the ch4 broadcast) if you
want to get a better grounding in the character background.

My first reaction was if Haqqani thought he could replace his Saul shield with a captive Dar Adal he's going to learn the hard way about deniable assets…but then again it worked enough that he didn't get killed this episode either.

Well, if Jay was planning to frame anyone, the guy whose phone he had that day, whom he apparently spent much of the day with and presumably knew the general routine of, a guy Jay was plying with drugs on said day (possibly explaining Adnan's "off" behavior when they dropped in unexpectedly on the couple later) would

Pot may not be technically legal but Berkeley passed an initiative (35 years ago?) that the city police should not waste their time enforcing the state laws when it comes to marijuana possession.

I recall the character attempted some bad-ass self-defense moves that Katie Cassidy could not pull off convincingly.

well that does it, i'm out. wonder what else one can do on wednesday nights … drinking? er, more drinking?

What do I scratch and what do I sniff?

Never liked Gordon less or Bullock more than the versions here

What is dome may never die.

Charlie Day?

Obviously the Master knows that the director of the centers for disease control put Eph "in charge" — you'd think that when that director later decided to have Eph arrested, he would have considered revoking that nominal status but…

Amy's intruder being a member of the Tsar's Secret Police (I think, don't claim any expertise here) implies male but I agree that if they keep flitting between genders it probably ceases to matter so much what gender they once were… The point is all the current persons we see getting erased (?) have been women so far,

Wasn't Mrs. Ng shot dead?

He walked up to their door? Of course she pointed a gun on him.

He has that DJ hearing.


The reviewer had the valid complaint that this episode spent too much time having characters repeat information that the characters and the audience that had been watching up to this point already knew and docked it for that. But as it was also the most enjoyable episode so far, if I were going to recommend the show