
Not to criticize because this show is definitely its own brand of crazy and incoherent, but my reading was the siblings are supposed to show different sides of a similar ability; Abigail controls hybrids, apparently, but Jackson only controls normal(-ish) animals… For some reason they're always just a whole lot of

Luckily, those things in the picture above are not hawk people — they're like a mix bag of turkey vultures, hyenas, naked mole rats. and slew of other animals. Besides flying they also dive into the ground through which they can somehow burrow/swim, or they can stop in place and vibrate in some manner that causes

In specific he appoints people to positions who are adversarial to the matter under their purview. Hate the environment? New head of the EPA. Hate banking regulations? etc.
While Spicer fought the Press consistently as Press Secretary, he displayed an even more marked indifference to actual communication in general —

Or it let's you eat raw burgers by cooking them in your mouth?
Can it be two things?

It did have Gina Torres… so, maybe?

and I've been thinking it was "aPe WaR aBouT TiMe" with the vowels removed

For transport to the ME who might need to run various tests for residue, etc on the hands.
(I don't know why the bags were paper not plastic,)

and you actually had to read the attached materials, because they often had a clue or bit of info you'd need in-game (without being one of those overt copy-protection rings or something so the game often didn't prompt you).

PS4 Exclusive open world sandbox?

I don't understand the problem here. Didn't somebody elect a President who said NOT paying taxes was smart?! Means we shouldn't pay taxes anymore right?
Or was this one of those cases where the sitch's only problem was being too ahead of the game, playing by 2017 rules three years too early?

Delicious, right?

That was the backdoor pilot for a spinoff series that never happened right?
(I think it was a regular apartment building that Mr William the Williams ran though, not just his garage)

Was this the first episode of Elementary without a murder?

presumably that means you can switch between controlling up to three bluetooth devices without going thru an annoying re-pairing process each time, like if you use both a laptop and a desktop for example and only want one mouse
though i do see some fucking with people potential if you're right about simultaneous

I'm guessing the word he meant was 'demagogue' not 'demigod' at least that how it sounds from context…

What their parents thought was the evil twin has been locked in the attic surviving on a diet of fish heads all this time? (But they actually got it backwards?)

Well, a woman and a 5 year old.

Pretty sure that's not Killer Croc pictured. Maybe Asalt-n-Buttery Croc maybe Killer Caiman but yeah, definitely too small for Killer Croc.

Well as Snyder pointed out, it's not direct murder if batman is just trying to blow up the car they're in…

This is the recent murder batman right from that movie i won't see?