
I thought there were 24 episodes this season. Are they showing two in a row?

Actually, sounds a lot better — so, how much was that house going for? — all those free pizzas!

Well they made a point of saying her ear was cut off while she was alive (in the whole pre or post-mortem mutilation torture discussion) and otherwise no other parts of her have been found (give or take the possible interpretation of the veal meal at the end of the first season).

Someone had to finish parking the legion of remote controlled snowmobile decoys?

So that 2% / 3.25% value, is that by weight or volume?

Being Human?

uh, Once upon a Time?



what was fire guy's power again if not psychic? i'm really asking because i don't remember beyond the plot turn of "what we really thought was special is that his blood makes him fire-resistant" presumably leaving the fact that he could start fires with his brain as unimportant (if that was how he was doing it?)

Anyone want to explain why shooting her with a tranq worked to stop the attacks?

She starts her appeal from a prison chock full of wacky inmates.

Oh, so that's why they were calling those peeny wallies "fire-flies".

I rewound it and listened to it multiple times, because I doubted my ears too but as best I can tell Skye says "Mirror it over, I have a couple rising dead exploits that might work"

I was confused by when Skye claimed to have a couple "Rising Dead" exploits that might decrypt the signal. Did she flub a line about the "Rising Tide" or was it an attempt at a subliminal Dead Rising 3 placement?

I remember when there was a button that would tell me what was on tonight, so actually be able to check when things were on without having to search elsewhere first.

Was Bonnie supposed to be the third roommate? I don't really remember the end of the last season very well and it's a little vague to me about where everyone expected Bonnie to go next.

Presumably another special White Oak tree will sprout because of the whole "nature must have a balance" rule of magicks (though this is from a show that lets a witch slap together a magick trinket to circumvent that rule ala the now omnipresent daylight rings)?
Or if there isn't another tree, then i guess there will be

Also when Originals die their line dies with them — so it's down to a 1 in 3 chance for any vampire who does somehow find another tree worth of stakes (i guess that might be a bonus for witches).

Blake's Seven?