
Leaves room for a reunion show in 5/10/20 years.

@avclub-53ef3f6607f8a9d210d7ceb6c2eab5e8:disqus  I imagine Jesse has meth USE on his record, probably was charged but Saul managed to get him that deal for the court-mandated drug treatment program he took following Jane's overdose (they were mixing meth and heroin right or was it just straight up heroin?)

Those terrorists are making family night happen dammit. Remember the amazing in media res opening: it's night, a stereotypical family sits on the couch watching a baseball game on tv, but they don't seem more upset than interested. Pull back to reveal they're surrounded by hovering masked gunmen who finally turn off

Thing that bothered me the most: She flashed her badge to skip the line and get in to the zoo, but aparently still made them give her a get-back-in hand stamp for later.
… Why, does she plan to lose her badge?

I can't be the only one who thought the symbol on his hidden box was the same as her "special" scar … which means, she's the "Chosen One" of the secret stonecutter's spy organization? And I guess Spader is one of them so he knows it too.
At least this is one of those shows that'll improve drastically in season two (the

And someone once described the Shield to that goldfish. So it decided to mix the two; the Wire and the Shield — corrupt cops and a city in decline — cast-iron guarantee that it'll sweep all the awards next year.
What a time we live in.

Since you want to keep on, I'll quibble one last time about the Chilton scene; I agree the boys being kissed don't contribute anything to the conversation but lines are directed at them by Paris, Madeline and Louise (though just the "see you later" variety) so that if someone erased the boys from the frame it wouldn't

I don't know why I'm arguing this but…
Friday Night Dinner scene, Lorelei may not talk about beating Kirk but does go on about her new dance partner, Stanley Appleman (before and after he calls to cancel on her).
Don't know how you can count the Paris, Rory, Madeline and Louise sequence because Madeline and Louise are

Not the last scene, but in nigh every scene (well ok, no I haven't checked just an impression) as a running gag, Lorelei brings up her goal of beating Kirk finally to win the giant trophy he's claimed 5 years running.

It may even fail the Bechdel test. Blame Kirk and his giant desirable trophy.

Do it the BSG/Caprica way (Spoiler for BSG/Caprica?)
Jonathan Banks'll get a job doing all the work for Saul with all the expected dangerous situations (but the audience knows he's safe because he's in the other show) At a pivotal moment however, the end of a season or the show, something will go wrong and he'll die

and they cost a nickel
…which back then had pictures of bumblebees on them. Give me five bees for a quarter you'd say…

So for a period there, Kasper was actually juggling 4 women.
Let us never speak of it again.

Dammit, just when the loss of Terriers was starting to scab over…

I know, all I could think was I waited through Breaking Bad for this?!

Agreed on the sibling moments, and I think this episode has the most Sharon and Jaye scenes together so that alone makes it a winner.
I just love the dynamic of Jaye frustrating or accidentally one-upping Sharon (who always tries so hard). Two examples come to mind:
As a hostage when presented with a chance, Sharon

Obviously she easily could play all the roles and yes, it'd be a better show for it, but there are Canadian actors who need to work so their children don't go without Poutine.

Ah the eternally overlooked and frustrated Tyler, Sharon —
It's funny when Jaye races ahead to slam doors in her face, but it's even funnier when Karen, her own mother, taps away at the elevator door close button instead of letting her on (probably thought the stairs would be good cardio for her)

The Stine bit confused me too — I would've sworn the girl Kasper fucked was named Lisa. If they are the same person, my read of it was that Kasper used her explicitly to blow up his relationship with Lotte so that he could make a go of it with Katrine (without adding to their already sizable baggage by making her the

As for Kasper's ability to pop up wherever he's needed, instantly and through garden walls, or whatever, I'm not sure if it's been revealed yet (possibly spoiler?) but Kasper's a ghost