
Hannibal's fake was dated and signed by Will (apparently — probably just traced).
As for suspecting Hannibal, he was prepared for something they had no reason to suspect he would expect them to know about (and again, he wasn't the suspect — Will's motives were suspect, though the fact that the later scan they ran was

@avclub-c2023af23a02a04d9f58966bafd8969a:disqus No I agree with you, it looked to me like Will just vomited it out. Even tried to rewatch it a few times to be sure, and he didn't seem to react to seeing anything before he vomits. Then when we get the in the sink shot, there's little flecks of flesh mixed into the

I see what you're saying but at this point being the quintessential slacker still the identity that defines Jaye, but by the 10th episode (*spoilers?*) her identity is much more flavored as the strangely helpful girl / universe's butt-puppet who weird things happen to. Binky wouldn't possibly get Jaye stories from her

What I love about that is how she manages to keep incorporating the previous guesses about Binky's stammers as they get more and more bizarre.

It's more a get-out-of-purgatory second-chance type of deal but (twist again) there's only one set of wings to vie for.

Nice- until I read this, I had totally forgotten about that "Femme Fatale" movie.

They're both actually dead. That's why Miller put "retire" in quotes.

Spoilers for the otherwise abysmal book 5: no she's not. She's off to Izembaro with a pretty new face (and of course the ugly one). Blindness was the end of book 4

Closer to the smoke demons. However instead of possessing people, they just careen around the screen to form squiggly sketches while the strings play at increased tempo and da Vinci has a manic seizure.

I'm not sure if you've watched the show or not, but I think an earlier episode actually did imply (SPOILER?) that an older Da Vinci will/did meet his younger self in part of his own repressed childhood memories. So yeah.
Also, only explanation that makes sense as to how he repeatedly designs and then seemingly

This show does seem to have a pope flesh fetish — at least an entire scene with the pope where he is not naked at some point is a rarity. Or maybe historically he was just the cleanest pope, as he's seemingly always coming or going to a bath.

Agree with @avclub-6307a12d5c9e2fb5f23518a9a0ee8dd1:disqus that the third season of Haven was the best so far, but still not brilliant television. However if you were a fan of the Uncharted game series, Nolan North (voice of Drake) wanders around bickering with Emily Rose for an episode, plus Claudia Black (voice of 

That's obviously not a cradle.

Like American Samoa?

Is it romance the defining traits of those couples or substance dependence?
Nick & Nora have the flirty alcohol buzz, Sid & Nancy the fighty heroin withdrawal.

I'm probably confusing it with some other show (because man do I not want to discover I've devoted brain space to this) but I seem to vaguely remember a distinction where the Monroe Republic was the only crazy one that stockpiled tanks and helicopters and other electric dependent weaponry in expectation of the power

Hmm, is that A — since this new case seems like a new launch of the show — rated against other shows in general or against the first two seasons? Because scrambled channels would get an A when compared to the first two seasons.

Thanks for this great interview, can't wait to read the second part.

@avclub-9b01c25473020f57ea13af6b5f4f11a2:disqus My impression was cave drawings didn't ruin Vampire Diaries, (my impression is that you might think they did but *spoiler?* like all things VD only a few episodes to go from mysterious cave drawings to the next twist, and the cave drawings were a fluid way to delve into

Peacekeeper genetic tinkering as an experiment, and apparently while the PK techs tried to breed warships like this before they'd always miscarried. But as someone (Crais?) conjectures in the episode, the trick to this being a successful birth was that Moya was free (no control collar).