

Chang is a mystery and I like her that way.

"Thank you! Thank you for not raping me! Let's make out!"

Exactly. He's stupid and disgusting.


In a real world situation, Daya would be dead before she would even have time to drop the gun, if the cops came in and saw her with a gun to a CO's face. If that's not the opening of Season Five, if the cops don't come, I suspect she'll never get out of prison. I don't have a good feeling about this.

That was beautiful, PO. Very insightful.

I hope his arc is not done, because no one wants to spend the next three years watching Eeyore get led around by his dick.

Also, wouldn't this be considered sexual assault? I mean, coercing, unwanted touching, lack of consent…

I thought the New York part of the last episode was a lovely sendoff for a great character. Having her look right at the camera was beautiful and haunting. Loved it and cried my eyes out.

I do too! It's part of why I'm glad, after almost 25 years, to be out of the business. It breaks my heart to see what has become of modern journalism.

"But the video tells a very different story than what police are suggesting, and the resulting competing narratives place a news organization in a difficult position. "

I guess what I'm saying is the distinction is never made when using it as a pejorative. No one ever calls someone a cocksucker in a good or even neutral way.

Totally agree with the "accident" part of this. I hope people don't equate a fictional "accident" with a real-life crime. But no one has ever gone broke betting on the depths of American ignorance.

I think, upon reflection now that I finished the season and have had some days to consider it, there are a lot more nuances to this season than what we see at first watching. The whole season is so brutal — and so compelling — it's easy at first to miss them.

But who made oral sex a bad thing? Why is it humiliating or submissive? I always figure oral is just part of the basic package.

This was hands-down one of the best episodes of television, ever.

The sound Taystee made when she realized Poussey was dead and lay down next to her friend. It still makes me cry thinking about it.

I hate Caputo more because he has the potential to be a good person and do the right thing, but he doesn't over and over again, because he thinks with his dick or he's too scared or he just can't deal with confrontation. Linda from Purchasing? She's just a monster. I expect her to be monstrous because there's no other

I'm going to say that seeing Luschek in any sexual situation, with anyone, is something that makes me want to bleach my eyeballs.