
Healey had zero fucks to give about what Luschek thought, too. He lied right to has face and Luschek just stood there while Healey drove off. It cracked me up.

Yep. Plus all the Stranger Danger stuff that's drilled into kids' heads, and the fact that Suzanne is bigger, older and, if you don't know her well, seems with the Crazy Eyes, like she could or would want to hurt someone.

Exactly. That woman died.

It's too bad they are all military, but to me, this season is a confluence of dark, bad things, including using veterans to get your prison guarded on the cheap and adding more inmates to boost your profits.

There's also a possibility that she did it thinking the guards wouldn't allow a white girl to stand there like that so they'd have to let Blanca down, too, or start a race riot there in the dining hall.

As someone else said earlier, everyone's at least a little bit in love with Nicki.

Anyone worried that the new building they are constructing is actually a solitary confinement chamber?

He's a seriously sick fuck. I hope there is some justice for him.

There are so many moments this season that stand out as just stellar. This was one of my favorites.

Thank you!

Her forgiveness was for her, not for him.

Exactly. People live in all kinds of denial.

I don't think it was "poor rapist" as much as it was a nod to the It's On Us ads and the current discussion about what consent really means. There are people, surprisingly, who are actually still confused about it.

Isn't everyone?

The thought of that made me feel queasy.

Nah, she ruined that fucking sauce. Caputo's ankles will be swollen for a week. Whereas Crystal just got madder and tougher.

But that's Caputo's role — to be disappointing. He's incapable, at this point, of doing anything else.

No, really. I'm probably being ignorant, but I don't know what SJW stands for.

What's an SJW?

I was rooting for Piper to get taken down a notch — she certainly deserved that. But to be literally branded — fucking awful — and with a swastika? Even more fucking awful. I've wanted to feel sympathy for Piper and haven't for quite a while now. But I sure did when they were burning her flesh. I wouldn't wish that on