
Piper sent her thoughts and prayers.

I've seen the whole season, and — no spoilers here — in my opinion, Season Four, especially from episode six on, features some of the most stellar acting on TV, hands down.

Sgt., I think I love you. My new favorite phrase: "Fuck him right in the ear." ESPECIALLY when applied to that bloated pig Isabella.

Mac. Jesus H. If anyone was so clueless as to STILL not get what Leona and Pruitt were discussing and why they were part of the discussion, they would absolutely not deserve to be named Charlie's successor. In fact, anyone who dragged their personal bullshit to work as much as the women on this show did, they wouldn't

Surrender is really hard to sing — there's a reason no one can do it as well as Robin Zander. NO ONE.

For someone who's so cunning and manipulative, Thomas is sure gullible.

Watch out for Soapy O'Brien. She is malevolent.

Watch out for Soapy O'Brien. She is malevolent.

Lux, I think I kind of love you.

Lux, I think I kind of love you.

Um, have you met many other humans? ;) There are plenty of bossy bitches out there, male and female.

That was where I really lost it, too.

I hope Jimmy bangs the shit out of O'Brien. She needs a good roll, and that would really piss off Thomas and his creepy skin-glove-hand.

The only attractive thing about Branson is his surprisingly well-rounded ass in those striped pajama bottoms. He sucks.

Poor Edith. She just needs a cause. But I cannot believe she would tell Sir Anthony that is was because he needed care that she loved him — like "I feel so sorry for you, I'll fall in love with you."

Do NOT fuck with O'Brien. She'll fuck Thomas up in a big way before this series is over. Or else she'll reveal that she's actually a man and they'll end up "doing it" out by the shed where they used to go smoke.

If someone were to want to do the same, where would one find those episodes?

I wanted someone to push Meadow out a fucking window. I kept hoping it would be Finn, in the scene where she keeps shrieking "You got out a suitcase!" Maybe he could have bludgeoned her with a suitcase.

I wanted someone to push Meadow out a fucking window. I kept hoping it would be Finn, in the scene where she keeps shrieking "You got out a suitcase!" Maybe he could have bludgeoned her with a suitcase.

I would totally watch that shit.